We know about the Marvel Universe. We know about Star Wars. We know about Pixar. We know about the live-action Disney films.

One franchise not really getting many headlines these days however is "Indiana Jones." There have been rumors of Chris Pratt joining the fray for the new film, though the actor himself has been noncommittal.

"I have no answer to it. I don't know. I mean, no one has -- I missed a phone call the other day. Unknown number. I hope it wasn't him," said the star of the recent "Jurassic World," according to Cinema Blend.

There have been rumors of a 2018 release, which is interesting. Why wait so long to get such a major icon back onscreen?

One could argue that Disney has a lot on its hands. As it enters Phase 3 of the Marvel cinematic universe, the company has to worry about introducing new characters and continuing the success. "Ant-Man," while critically praised, was underwhelming when it came to filling box office coffers.

Then there is the issue of "Star Wars." There is no doubt that of all the releases in 2015, "The Force Awakens" is the most important of all. With the fan base so divided over the years, a new Star Wars movie could galvanize and reinvigorate lovers of the galaxy far, far away. Moreover, Disney is working to extend the franchise's output exponentially in just a few years. Whereas George Lucas released six movies between 1977 and 2005, Disney wants to release six films between 2015-2020.

This might explain the hesitance to put forth new plans on Indiana Jones. Lucasfilm is simply too tied up in expanding the galaxy far, far away and has not had the time or resources to reinvigorate Indy.

"The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" was critically questioned but was still a rousing box office success, raking in over $317 million during its theatrical run. There is no way that Disney is going to ignore this franchise for too long.