Blacks and Hispanics believe racism is a big problem in society, according to a Pew report, which also shared that Hispanics are largely unaware of the Confederate flag debate.

Across the nation, individuals of every race have observed the continued racism experienced by people of color, particularly after rapid incidences of police violence and racially-motivated shooting deaths. Increasingly, millennials understand that racism isn't a waning issue; it's a pressing concern in our society. Fifty years after the passage of the Voting Rights Act, roughly 6-in-10 Americans (59 percent) believe that the nation needs to continue to make changes to achieve racial equality.

Within the last year alone, there have been major shifts in views on racial equality. Today, 53 percent of whites said more needs to be done to ease racial tensions, compared to just 39 percent last year. African Americans have long stated that changes need to be made to achieve racial equality, with 86 percent agreeing. Overall, half of Americans say that racism is a big problem, compared to 33 percent of Americans in 2010 and 26 percent of Americans in 2009. Views about equal rights have shifted. Fifty-nine percent of Americans now say the country needs to continue making changes in order to give blacks equal rights with whites.

Although the country is divided on changes to achieve racial equality, with half of Republicans saying the country has already made the necessary changes to achieve racial equality. However, the opinions of conservative, moderate and liberal Republicans do differ. Half of moderate and liberal Republicans say that more needs to be done. A majority of Democrats (78 percent) say the country needs to make changes to give blacks equal rights to whites.

Nearly 58 percent of Hispanics and 73 percent of African Americans characterize racism as a big problem. However, whites are less likely to see racism as a big problem (44 percent). Additionally, the Confederate flag, which is sometimes seen as a symbol of heritage, has been under discussion. Approximately 57 percent of Americans supported the government of South Carolina's decision to remove the flag from the statehouse grounds. While 34 percent view the removal as the wrong decision, 52 percent of Hispanics, 56 percent of whites and 76 percent of blacks said the flag's removal was the right decision. Also, 74 percent of Democrats and 43 percent of Republicans believe that it was the right decision.

One-third of respondents cited the flag's association with racism, slavery and hatred (36 percent), while 20 percent say that the flag is offensive or divisive. Numerous respondents told Pew that the flag represented slavery, a symbol of racism, promotes racism, "a painful reminder of a hard time for many people," very negative and hurtful to a lot of people, "a slap to the American people," and it "belongs in a museum." Although 42 percent of African Americans described a negative reaction to the flag, almost half said they saw it as neither negative nor positive (49 percent).

However, 54 percent of total respondents mentioned the flag's historical significance, while 27 percent indicated that the flag is a misunderstood symbol. Also, 62 percent of Hispanics and 56 percent of whites said that the Confederate flag is neither positive nor negative. Among those who oppose the flag's removal, most believe the flag is an important part of history and a symbol of heritage and pride.

In regards to Confederate flag debates, awareness among Hispanics is lower than blacks and whites. While blacks to say they have heard a lot about this debate (72 percent vs. 58 percent), 66 percent of Hispanics have heard at least a little about the debate while 33 percent said they heard nothing at all.

Blacks are more likely than either whites or Hispanics to have a negative reaction to the flag: 42 percent of African Americans report experiencing a negative reaction, compared with 27 percent of whites and 24 percent of Hispanic. Also, very few people in any racial group say they view the flag positively; although the share of whites who have a positive reaction has increased since 2011, from just 8 percent then to 16 percent today.