Mexican director Alfonso Cuarón is anything but lost in space. As a matter of fact, he's on top of the world right now, after his innovative, stranded-in-space thriller, Gravity netted him a Golden Globe award for Best Director -- Motion Picture, several Visual Effects Society Awards, and 10 Academy Award nominations.

He's also the director of Children of Men, Y Tu Mamá Tambièn and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Besides his impressive success, Cuarón just might be able to write a comedy, as he revealed he's got a great sense of humor and is a somewhat quirky guy behind the scenes. He recently took to Reddit to answer some questions from fans. 

We learned some interesting and hilarious things about the Mexican director, and judging by the responses, he has gained an even stronger following than he had before.

So what did Reddit reveal?

1) Will you ever do another fantasy film like Harry Potter? Most of the directors did more than one Potter film, why did you only do the one?

Cuarón: "I only did the one because it was such a great experience I was afraid I would overstay my welcome. And I also felt that I had given what I could to that universe."

With his expertise, Cuarón brought the film to a "darker sensibility," but before he directed the film, he admitted that he wasn't too familiar with the phenomenon of Potter, but once he got on board, he was hooked.

2) What was your favorite scene to shoot in Children of Men? 

Cuarón: "My favorite scene to shoot the ambush in the car and the final battle scene. But the biggest challenge of doing that film was to convey to the world the thematics that are shaping the first part of the 21st century. We never intended for it to be a science fiction film, but a look into those themes."

3) If George Clooney offered to make you a pair of shoes, what type would you want?

Cuarón: "Clown shoes so he will have to work harder."

"Would you call him George Clowney?" another Reddit user asked.

In his earlier Reddit AMA, Clooney confessed (sort of) that he'd have been a cobbler if he hadn't taken up acting.

4) What are your guilty film pleasures?

Cuarón: "Last year I loved Sharknado and I can't wait for the sequel."

His fans loved the idea of this and ran with it...

"Alfonso Cuarón just went from being one of my favorite directors of all time to my favorite director of all time," said a Reddit user.

"Sharknado 2: The Sharkening directed by Alfonso Cuaron."

"I'll take it for the 17 minute, one-take, opening shot of Los Angeles being obliterated by sharks in 3D."

"Somebody call the SciFi channel and make this happen.

"If we don't end up with sharks in space out of this I'm going to be f....g pissed."

5) Was there ever an event or incident in your childhood that triggered your inspiration to eventually become a (great) filmmaker?

Cuarón: "I really don't believe in all of these Freudian things because they are not always penis I mean real."

"Holy hell Alfonso Cuarón is the best," one Reddit used added.

6) Who smells better, Clive Owen or George Clooney?

Cuarón: "Both smell fantastic. Clive smells like Cinnamon with hints of clove and citrus. George smells like red woods with vanilla and a hint of tequila."

7) What is your outlook for the future of cinema in 10 or 20 years? Also what's your opinion of critics that cg cinematography should be separated from real cinematography?

Cuarón: "There used to be only one paradigm: the experience of going to the theaters. Later on, that paradigm was dual: people would watch movies in the cinema and also on TV. Later on came home video and now we have all these different formats. There used to be only be visuals, then there came sound, and then color. Now we're making the transition into the digital formats where everybody can have affordable systems in their homes. What I believe is that, because of the new ways of production and distribution, multiple paradigms are going to be created. They are going to co-exist. Each one of these paradigms is going to constantly evolve and go in many different directions. I think all of this is very exciting because it's going to challenge our current conceptions of cinema in which the format of experience of film and/or the length are going to very diverse."

8) If you directed Batman and Robin with George Clooney would you have taken nipples off of the batsuit?

Cuarón: "He would keep the nipples and go full Brazilian."

9) How was it like working on the screenplay with your son? Do you ever plan on doing it again in your future films? Where did the idea come from for the womb/incubation shot of Sandra Bullock in the fetal position? When I saw that shot in the cinema it blew me away, such a great use of symbolism.

Cuarón: "That idea came from the screenplay as Jonas Cuarón, my son and co-writer, was adamant to deal with the themes of the film in a metaphorically form rather than in a rhetoric way. The idea came early on as we were structuring the story and creating imagery from the womb to her birth and finally taking her first steps.

"It was amazing because I learned a lot. He injected me with a new energy and he challenged me. He once told me 'Your films are alright, but you tend to be too rhetorical.' I would love to do another screenplay with him, but now he is directing his film so I have to take a ticket."

10) Hi Senor Cuarón, First I would like to thank you for making such incredible and powerful movies that open a real brand new movie genre. As Im a huge fan of Gravity, I would like to know if you would have the balls to shoot a movie from space?

Cuarón: If you finance it, I'd go in a second. It's not about the balls, it's about the money."

"This was fun! Thank you so much for your time. Hasta pronto. Saludos, Alfonso."