The guys behind the fantastic Bioshock and Bioshock: Infinite games are suddenly deciding to call it quits. The main creator Ken Levine has stated that he and a small team from the business are moving on to new ideas and projects.

Ken is certainly proud of his accomplishments from humble beginnings in his small studio living room in Cambridge, Mass., but now it's time to move on towards a smaller, more specialized child company (Take-Two). Of course Ken will have to lay off many employees that he did not choose to take with him on his future endeavors.

If you're a gamer hopefully you're not freaking out right now. Bioshock will still be taken care of in terms of support, DLCs, etc. And as far as future games from the "great creator" you need not worry. He has stated that he is seeking to develop games that "foster the most direct relationship with our fans" and these games will be mostly on replayability and content, which could mean the new company will be thinking along the lines of Mass Effect.

The Bioshock games have made about half a billion dollars with a huge following. Fans can be fairly certain that whatever Ken Levine decides to create with his hand-picked team, it will be even better than Bioshock.

Fans should commend Ken for exploring a new future for him and for gaming. Obviously he has put some significant thought into this move and will likely see it through to success.

Are you a gamer? Have you played through the Bioshock games? What are your thoughts about its creator breaking away from the company and exploring new options? What if he never makes a game nearly as good as the Bioshock games?

Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!