According to a report, Thief plays much better on the Xbox One compared to rival Sony's next gen game console.

"The PS4 version struggles needlessly to try to maintain a 30 frames per second presentation, regularly dipping into the 15-20 range during gameplay. At several points in the journey, it even edges toward the single digits," notes Crave Online.

Crave Online goes on to say that at 900p, the Xbox One plays at a much steadier frame-rate than the PS4. "It's displayed at a lower resolution, requiring roughly 660,000 fewer pixels per image to be rendered," says the report.

As for resolution, the Crave Online report says that "between 900p and 1080p the images don't look nearly as different."

GameSpot earlier reported that Thief publisher, Square Enix, has confirmed that the title will run at a native resolution of 900p on the Xbox One while PS4 gamers get to enjoy the title at 1080p resolution.

And like Crave Online, Thief game director Nicolas Cantin also thinks that there isn't much difference between both game consoles in terms of resolution.

"The Xbox [One] version is really good, it's really looking great, as is the PlayStation 4," Cantin told GameSpot. "We can't really see the difference," he adds.

The title's game director also said that resolution will "never degrade the game experience" and assures gamers just that. In fact, Cantin reportedly wonders why the ongoing argument regarding Xbox One vs PS4 resolution has become big, says GameSpot.

"To see it as a big topic? I really wonder why at some point," he told GameSpot.

Thief joins Ryse: Son of Rome and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag in the list of titles playing a lower native resolution on the Xbox One, the GameSpot report notes. "Other titles, such as Call of Duty: Ghosts and Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, run at a native resolution of 720p," the report adds.