For Big Vision Empty Wallet and Big Vision Creative (just launched at Sundance 2014), which provides resources, tools, education and opportunities for innovation-driven producers and content creators, as well as consulting services -- 2014 is the year of the audience.

They are dedicating an entire year to focus on the audience -- "how to build one, how to keep in touch, and how to deliver art to your fans."

In an effort to tap into the creative masses and show how independent film is delivered to audiences before the popular music,film and interactive festival, South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin, TX, Big Vision Empty Wallet and Big Vision Creative co-founders, filmmakers and producers, Alex Cirillo and Dani Faith Leonard are embarking on an artistic journey.

The powerful female duo, along with fellow members, will hit up four cities (NYC, Savannah, New Orleans and Austin) and feature six events in five days before they arrive at SXSW (where they will promote The Mend.) The goal of the road trip is to spread the word and capture the experience and conversations with experts along the way for a documentary that they will share with their members next year.

Big Vision Empty Wallet's mission is to update its members about the "best practices and next practices," in order to "stay on the cutting edge" while "making a profit and maintaining their projects' artistic integrity."

"I think that we are very fortunate to have a business that has been built organically," Cirillo told the Latin Post during its SXSW Kickoff Party in NYC (sponsored by Candy Factory Productions and FlavorLab, and in partnership with The Mend, Rotting Television, Dogfish Accelerator, Seed&Spark).

Big Vision Empty Wallet and Big Vision Creative stemmed from Cirillo and Leonard's own personal needs, and then they built a community that has been able to thrive as it "finances itself."

"Big Vision Empty Wallet is a place where young, talented people of all skill levels in the entertainment industry come together and learn from one another. BVEW is like a rest stop for the film/television community," said Kelly Reagan, writer/producer at the Oprah Winfrey Network.

"On a long car ride you go to a rest stop and it's like an oasis in the middle of the unknown. A place to re-fuel, get food, speak with nice locals who can help you, and take a break from 'out there.' BVEW feels like that to me. Need to refuel and get new interesting ideas? Go to a BVEW screening, Need supplies? Go on their site and post about who/what you need for your next film. Need people who get you and want to help? Go to BVEW," she added.

They also have an international reach with a "core concentration" in Brazil, Madrid, Spain, South Africa and South Korea. 

In the past, Big Vision Empty Wallet has featured work from South American producers, whose work has been "both beautiful and poignant."

"I am really proud that our membership is diverse," said Leonard, who started out acting and writing, and then realized that she wanted to have more of a say in the creative process.

In addition to helping foster diversity, Cirillo and Leonard noticed an uptick in female filmmakers, which they attribute to the many resources that are available today.

"Women are really rallying together," Cirillo said.

However, Cirillo and Leonard were dismayed to learn about the low percentage of females and diversity within the voters for the Academy Awards, and hope that it will change in the near future.

Cirillo was particularly impressed with actress Cate Blanchett, who took home an Oscar for Best Actress, and praised her for being so talented, beautiful, well-spoken and aware of the world around her.

"You can have it all -- and the way that we do that is by supporting each other," Cirillo said.

Check out Big Vision Empty Wallet on Facebook.