A few weeks ago, Vietnamese Dong Nguyen, better known as the creator of Flappy Bird, decided to remove his popular app from app stores. Despite the fact that it was so popular and had raked in thousands of dollars on a daily basis, he still decided to end its distribution. However, in a recent interview with Rolling Stone, it started to seem like he was changing his mind.

During the interview, he expressed his thoughts especially regarding the creation of the app. He said that he was inspired mainly by a frustratingly difficult toy called paddleball, in which the player tries to keep bouncing a ball tied to a paddle. The game has a simple rule and is monotonous, which is why he created the Flappy Bird game to have that same principle of doing the same thing over and over again. He was also inspired by how people spend most of their time looking down at their smartphones, so he found a way to create a game that is simple to play (requiring only to press the screen) but is extremely frustrating.

He also talked about how he was forced into hiding in a small town in Vietnam after his unwanted notoriety for releasing the hit game. He commented on how he felt about the obsession of people playing his game, as well as several other revelations throughout the interview, which offers the first in-depth look at the strange and sudden popularity of his game.

The Rolling Stone interview shows that his conscience led him to take the game down: "But the hardest thing of all, he says, was something else entirely. He hands me his iPhone so that I can scroll through some messages he's saved. One is from a woman chastising him for 'distracting the children of the world.' Another laments that '13 kids at my school broke their phones because of your game, and they still play it cause it's addicting like crack.' Nguyen tells me of e-mails from workers who had lost their jobs, a mother who had stopped talking to her kids. 'At first I thought they were just joking,' he says, 'but I realize they really hurt themselves.' Nguyen -- who says he botched tests in high school because he was playing too much Counter-Strike -- genuinely took them to heart."

The interview also mentioned that he is currently working on new games. The first one is called Kitty Jetpack and the other one is Checkonauts. He has yet to release the next game but it could be coming this month. The most exciting part of the interview was when he mentioned his plans to put Flappy Bird back on the App store. He joked about placing a warning to avoid users from becoming too addicted to it.