Going for one after another -- Man-eater Lindsay Lohan is notorious for being quick to move on to the next one. Now, the Mean Girls actress reveals a list of her A-list lovers she allegedly had sex with: all 36 of them.

The 27-year-old actress reportedly hand-wrote the ex list during a drinking session with friends at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Jan. 30, 2013. "They were giggling and talking shit about people in the industry," said one of the eyewitnesses, who claimed to have watched Lohan write the document. "It was her personal conquest list. She was trying to impress her friends with the list and then tossed it aside."

The source added that Lohan would even pause to think at times, "as if she had to remind herself of who they were."

The list features actress' dozens of celebrity conquests, including Justin Timberlake, Adam Levine, Zac Efron and Joaquin Phoenix. Other big names include Colin Farrell, American Horror Story star Evan Peters, late Heath Ledger, and her ex-boyfriend, Wilmer Valderrama. Lohan also claimed she even slept with Jamie Dornan, who is starring as Christian Grey in upcoming S&M erotic romance, Fifty Shades of Grey.

However, the most controversial is the large amount of the names that have been blanked out for legal reasons. "The list has some pretty big names on it, and they're not all single guys," the insider said. "This getting out now could rock several Hollywood relationships to the core."