Smash Hit is a pleasure to play. With catchy music and addicting gameplay, it's no wonder that the free-to-play game has shot to the top of the iOS App Store charts. But don't worry Android fans, this game is available on the Google Play store right this very moment! Even still, you may want to switch allegiances just for this one game. Seriously, playing it on the iPad Mini's Retina Display is dope.

So you'll surely all wondering just what the heck makes Smash Hit a smashing success? Here's how the game works. You start off with a predetermined number of balls and your objective is to collect more and more balls by smashing crystals. The basic crystals grant you three extra balls while the larger ones give you a healthy dose of five extra balls. If you run out of your allotment of balls then it's game over for you! So it's imperative that you stockpile as many balls as you can in the easy rounds... because trust us, this game increases in difficulty exponentially. 

If you still think that you can master this game in a jiffy let's make one thing "crystal" clear. You are always in motion and always tapping. And as you pass objectives you pick up more and more speed. Now in order to make this a good game, the creators had to add power ups and obstacles to avoid. If you hit an obstacle it isn't the end of the world per se, but you're definitely going to do your best to avoid future pieces of glass in the future. When hit you lose ten balls. Like the name of the game suggests, you need to smash this obstacles in addition to the crystals in order to go further and further along in the game.

Now, Smash Hit isn't never-ending, but it's still taking us a while here at the Latin Post to get to the final objectives. Luckily, once you reach a new objective (or level), an autosave feature kicks in. That way you can avoid having to restart each and every time you play. It's a great, time-saving feature for sure.

What we haven't talked about yet is the graphic design of the game. The game world is like a side-scroller, only that you aren't going left to right (or vice-versa.) Your character, for lack of a better word, goes straight-ahead through a tunnel. The game looks like a lost scene in the Tron franchise. And the music is like funky electronic dance tunes blended with elevator music.

So what are you waiting for? Head on over to the iOS App Store and pick up either the free or paid version of the game today!

What's your favorite iOS game? Let us know in the comments section below and tell us just what makes playing your favorite game so irresistible.