Could Apple's cheaper iPhone 5c become even more affordable than it already is?

MacRumors picked up on a report, which can be translated from German, indicating that a possible new version of the iPhone 5c could be on the way. The new option for iPhone shoppers would have only 8GB of memory but there was no price listed in American dollars. The iPhone 5c is currently listed with a starting price of $99.

According to the Times of India, Apple could announce the new phone option as early as Tuesday, which would make sense considering how fast the news could spread before the tech giant is able to say anything about it.

It is not all that surprising to see Apple doing this at this point, considering how much the iPhone 5c has struggled since its release. The phone could experience even more difficulties since Apple is most likely gearing up to release a new phone in the coming months.

To make things even more interesting than they already became when the rumor surfaced on Monday, a photo of a packaging label was released that showed the iPhone 5c listed with an 8GB option. Whether this is a legitimate label is not yet confirmed but all signs point towards yes at this point. At the very least, it will be interesting to see whether or not Apple goes through with an announcement on Tuesday. If not, we may have to wait some time if the company did not anticipate an early release or a leak.

What do you think about the iPhone 5s vs the iPhone 5c? Do you think the 5s is that much better, or is the 5c a solid option considering the lower price? Let us know what you think in the comments section located down below.