A lot of League of Legends gamers are now looking forward to the release of the new version of the game, which is scheduled to bring more exciting champions and improved gameplay into the popular online multiplayer platform later this year. The current live patch is 4.3, which was the third patch of the 2014 season and the one that added new champion Vel'Koz, a tentacle monster from the Void. Vel'Koz looks like a Cthulhu and has the ability to travel by floating. It also creates strong attacks via laser beams and requires an intermediate to advanced skill level to play well.

The latest patch is not a major patch but will have ramifications on competitive play which, according to Riot, "tackled the largest outliers", primarily including a reworked Kassadin which hopefully is less banned. Lich Bane also had to be taken down a notch as the way it was currently being used was just too strong. At this point, there are now over 100 champions and some of them are available for free. For 2014, there were announcements in regards to price reductions for certain characters. Some characters are also on sale and there are new skins that are up for grabs.

For the next two days, the champions with skin sales are Dragonwing Corki, Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao, and Karatee Kennen. Champion sales include Ziggs and Zilean. New free champions from two days ago are Caitlyn, the Sheriff of Piltover; Diana, Scorn of the Moon; Garen, The Might of Demacia; Kha'Zix, the Voidreaver; Nami, the Tidecaller; Rengar, the Pridestalker; Talon, the Blade's Shadow; Twisted Fate, the Card Master; and Twitch, the Plague Rat.

Continuing in the line of patch 4.3, patch 4.4 included several client clean ups and bug fixes. Patch 4.5 might take a while, with some users speculating it will not be ready until well into the summer.