The Xbox One is being discounted for Black Friday with several different bundles. However, serious Xbox One players will appreciate the more powerful and expensive Xbox One Elite console.

The Xbox One Elite looks very similar to the traditional Xbox One, but there are several perks that make the extra cost worth it, The Verge reports.

The Xbox One Elite costs $499 for a reason. The console is now found in a matte finish, instead of the glossy finish of the traditional Xbox One. This will lead to less fingerprints and gives it a classier look.

The biggest change to the Xbox One Elite is the premium controller, the Elite Wireless Controller. This controller by itself sells for $149.99 because of its versatile features and premium feel. It offers textured grips and better thumbsticks. Players will be able to adjust sensitivity of buttons, move buttons around and even print their own buttons with a 3-D printer.

The Xbox One Elite console also gets a much-improved hard drive. Instead of the 500 GB traditional HDD (hard disk drive) that is used in the regular Xbox One, the Xbox One Elite console uses a 1 TB solid state hybrid drive. With a solid state hybrid drive, the console is able to cache frequently used apps will load faster and so will all games. This means less loading screens and fast startup times when powering on the Xbox.

The Xbox One Elite is powered by Windows 10 and Microsoft has really been encouraging solid state drives for use in its laptops. Since the solid state hard drive will make things faster in the Xbox One Elite, Windows 10 will work the best on the Xbox One Elite.

The cheapest Xbox One console for Black Friday will be $299. This does not include the Elite Wireless Controller ($149). There will also be a Black Friday special from Microsoft on the Xbox One Elite Bundle which does include the Elite Wireless Controller and one game for $449.

The extra $150 for the Xbox One Elite console is more than just the controller. With the solid state hybrid drive, frequent players will breeze through loading and startup screens and be more satisfied with their consoles. It is definitely worth the extra investment for regular players.