There have apparently been some security concerns from Amazon in regards to customer passwords for their linked account.

According to ZDNet, Amazon has been sending people e-mails that have forced them to reset their passwords after a potential breach in security on their accounts.

This was something that was done automatically and in order for a customer to reset their password, they would have to use the details of the e-mail to recover their account.

The basic language of the e-mail stated that Amazon "recently discovered that your [Amazon] password may have been improperly stored on your device or transmitted to Amazon in a way that could potentially expose it to a third party."

The e-mail also said that the security issue has been resolved, but as a result the password reset was still needed.

Although the security measure was taken as a precautionary move, the company has said that they have no reason to believe that their customer's passwords or data were improperly disclosed to a third party. They instead reasoned that the password reset was done with an "abundance of caution" to maintain their customers security.

News of this comes on the heels of Amazon's highly profitable and busy "Black Friday" sales event, which had already kicked off as of last Friday.

This season is ripe for hot deals in tech and entertainment products. Amazon has recently launched its newest Kindle e-readers and their line of Kindle Fire products. All of those will be offered at a Black Friday discount by the online retail giant.

This issue did not just effect customers in the U.S., but also in the U.K. as well. In the States, Amazon has a two-factor authentication system in place in order to maintain or recover accounts that may have been compromised. However, that system is not in place for customers in the U.K. yet.