A 25-year-old Swedish woman has undergone extensive cosmetic surgery and removed several of her ribs in order to look like Jessica Rabbit.

After growing up in a small town in rural Sweden, Pixee Fox left her hometown and moved to America where she has spent almost $120,000 to transform herself into a cartoon-like figure, reports Mirror. So far, she has had four breast augmentations that have inflated her chest from an A-cup to a 38-J, a Brazilian butt lift, permanent makeup etched onto her face, cheek implants, a nose job and lip injections. However, her most dramatic surgery was the removal of six of her ribs, which brought her waist down to a mere 16 inches. Her goal is to shrink her waist to a record-breaking 14 inches.

"Getting my ribs removed has always been a dream of mine but it was really hard, almost impossible, to find a surgeon to do it," she told Barcroft TV in an exclusive interview.

"I think I am pretty close to the world record for smallest waist. If I just get time to heal and workout and continue my lifestyle I'm going to go down to 14 inches," she said.

The former electrician says she was inspired to alter her look by animated characters like Jessica Rabbit, Aurora from Sleeping Beauty and Holli Would from Cool World.

"People often come up to me and say, 'don't take this the wrong way, but you look like a cartoon' -- but for me that's a compliment, that's what I want to achieve," she said.

"Those cartoon characters represent the idealization of the female body. I want to achieve that ideal," she explained.

"I want to have the tiny waist, the butt, big boobs, big eyes and a really pretty face. Having my ribs removed was just another step in achieving that ideal."

Fox also likened her obsession with plastic surgery to the internal disconnect that transgender people feel about their sex organs and their natural-born bodies.

"There are so many people out there -- for example transsexual people -- who feel like one person inside and it doesn't reflect their outside -- and for me who I was on the outside was not who I was on the inside.

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