A dome-shaped object spotted on Mars is causing alien believers to insist that there was life on the planet at one time.

An image taken by the Mars Opportunity rover is getting alien believers excited, Daily Mail reports. They believe that the dome-shaped object in the photo is artificial and was created by an "ancient civilization" that once inhabited Mars.

Alien followers believe that the object is made of metal because it appears to glow or project light in the photo.

The conspiracy website Unsilent Majority reports that domes on Mars prove the presence of life, indicating that someone or something built the object in the past. The website suggested that the object spotted in the picture was a building, perhaps left behind by aliens who once lived on the planet.

According to the site, the image constitutes the "ultimate evidence" that Mars was once inhabited by aliens, who could have developed over time just like humans evolved on Earth.

While the site admitted the object could be a natural occurrence like a rock formation and not artificial, believers remained hopeful that it was alien-made.

Another possibility raised in the article was that NASA was operating a secret space operation on Mars within the dome.

This is the first dome to be found on Mars, but others have been found on the moon. However, the domes on the moon can be explained by ancient volcano eruptions.

The dome sighting on Mars comes after reports of pyramids on the planet that appeared similar to the Great Pyramids of Egypt. Alien followers were similarly convinced by that discovery that there was an ancient civilization on Mars.

The YouTube channel ParanormalCrucible captured the pyramids in several videos, insisting that they were made by an intelligent life form.

Watch the video of the dome below.