Latin Statistics

Bilinguals More Efficient at Higher-Level Brain Functions, Study Says

Young Latinos Benefit From Frank Talk on Race & Gender in School, Rather Than Color-Blind Approach - Study

According to new research, the decision to forgo a color-blind approach and, instead, encourage frank discussions about ethnicity, race and gender in the classroom could yield impressive results, including: differentiated instruction, frequent family engagement, a positive culture and professional educational environments.
Domestic Violence

NO MáS: Deportation Fears Hinder Domestic Violence Reporting, But Latino Communities Also Step Up for Victims

Domestic violence, the horrendous pattern of abusive behavior whereby an intimate partner inflicts violence on their significant others, is impacting women and men across the U.S. But, Latinos are ready to challenge domestic violence victimization.
Woman Smoking A Cigarette

The National Alliance for Hispanic Health and the CDC Join Together to Curb Smoking in the Latino Community

The National Alliance for Hispanic Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently joined forces to launch the education campaign, "The Tips from Former Smokers (Tips)," which features advice from Hispanics who quit smoking to help others quit smoking.

Comcast - Time Warner Cable Merger Fails: What Does That Mean for Latinos and the Future?

Comcast has relinquished its bid to buy Time Warner Cable, dropping a proposed merger deal between the two largest cable companies in the U.S. estimated at about $45 billion.
One serving of beans a day improves cholesterol levels and lowers the risk of heart disease.

LDL Cholesterol vs. HDL Cholesterol? Cholesterol Counts, New National Campaign, Measures America's Cholesterol Knowledge

"Cholesterol Counts," a new national campaign geared at measuring America's cholesterol knowledge, was recently launched, and it aims to equip the public with information about managing cholesterol and understanding the risks associated with it.
family, latinos, love,

Immigration Influx Leads to Better Understanding of Nonverbal Expressions: Study

Multicultural areas, particularly those without a shared language, tend to produce more individuals who efficiently rely on nonverbal expression of emotions to gauge what others are thinking because of large immigrant populations.

Silicon Valley's Diversity Issues Being Addressed by Google

Google has called attention to the "unconscious bias" or "unintentional hiring discrimination" that's present in its own backyard, recognizing how its own lack of diversity has contributed to the overall absence of nonwhites and women in Silicon Valley. But, it aims to address that diversity issue.

Mexico Reports Capture of Alleged Drug Cartel Leader

Mexican security officials stated that they have captured Jesus Salas Aguayo, the man who has been running the Juarez drug cartel after arrest of Vicente Carrillo Fuentes in 2014.
Less Expensive Solar Power Now on the Horizon

Earth Week 2015: The Emerging Solar Industry Creates Thousands of Jobs Each Year

Nearly 174,000 Americans worked in the solar industry in 2014, according to The U.S. Census Bureau. That's an increase of nearly a quarter since the year prior.

Study Finds Hope in Rosehip Extract for Rare Breast Cancer Prone to Latinas and Black Women

Extract from rosehips, the red-orange fruit of the rose plant, could drastically reduce the development and migration of cells from a type of breast cancer, known as triple-negative, which represents about 10 to 20 percent of breast cancers.

New Figures: All U.S. Undocumented Immigrants Could Contribute $2.2 Billion in Taxes Per Year

The 11.4 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. provide billions of dollars for local, state and federal taxes, based on a new study. According to a non-profit organization, tax contributions by undocumented immigrants would increase if immigration reform policies were approved.

SALUD: Anti-HIV Drug PrEP Could Reduce HIV in the Latino American Community

PrEP stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis, and PrEP is a powerful daily pill option for those who are at high risk of contracting HIV. No, PrEP is not a cure or a vaccine, but PrEP is a meaningful tool that can provide a high level of protection against HIV, and it's far more effective when combine with other prevention tools such as condoms.
Sen. Patty Murray

The National Council of La Raza, Advocacy Groups Support Rewrite of Elementary and Secondary Education Act

The National Council of La Raza (NCLR), the nation's chief Hispanic advocacy and political rights group, has voiced its support of an updated bipartisal draft that would renovate the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), benefitting English-language learners (ESL learners).
Los Angeles Dodgers First Baseman Adrian Gonzalez

Latino Players Lead League in Almost Every Statistical Category

The 2015 Major League Baseball season has begun. What was once America's past time is now looking like, Latin America's current time. At least one Latino player is leading the league in eight of the 10 major categories this season.

National Uninsured Rate Continues to Drop; Low-Income Americans & Latinos Find Access via Obamacare

The national uninsured rate continues to drop, and this is doubtlessly due to the Affordable Care Act, which has increased insurance rates access among all racial/ethnic groups and prompted a drastic decrease in the health care disparities faced by people of color.
Harvard University

Early Planning and Educational Organizations Can Make Ivy League Education Accessible to Latino Youth

The United States' eight Ivy League institutions boast a decidedly difficult acceptance process. And that process is made more difficult for Latino youth and other non-whites, who're frequently propositioned with disparities and discrimination. However, there are ways for Latinos and non-whites to confidently plan for future at an Ivy League institution.
unemployment jobs job fair bronx library

Economic Analysts Predict Latinos Will Account for 40 Percent of US Employment Increase Over Next 5 Years

Economic analysts are preparing the U.S. for a future where Latinos will account for more than 40 percent of the increase in U.S. employment.

Standardized Testing & Public Education Support is More Important to Latinos: Poll

Standardized testing is valued far more by Latino voters than non-Latino voters. Also, Latino voters are more optimistic when it comes to investing in public education.
latino, latina, smartphone, technology, internet

Pew: Young Latinos Love Anonymous Sharing Apps Like Whisper and Yik Yak and Also... Google Plus?

This week, the Pew Research Center released its recurring report on social media use among teens in the U.S. Among the survey's findings are some interesting insights on how young Latinos express themselves online.
Report: Google to pull engineering office out of Russia

Google's YouTube Jumps Into Latino Marketing With 'YouTube Hispanic' Preferred Ad Program

YouTube Hispanic, a Google venture that was unveiled at the Hispanic Marketing Forum held in New York during the month of March, has set its sights on gaining the attention of the coveted, blossoming Hispanic demographic to determine what appeals to the group.
Latin Statistics - Most Read
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