
House Speaker Paul Ryan Holds Press Briefing At The Capitol

immigration Groups Unite Against Paul Ryan

A group of 50 pro-immigration groups are poised to pressure Republican legislators to reject majority house leader Paul Ryan's plan to file an amicus brief with the Supreme Court in opposition to President Obama's immigration orders.
Marco Rubio

Super Tuesday: Marco Rubio, John Kasich's Last Hopes for the White House

March 15 is another round of presidential primaries for the Democratic and Republican Parties, and it could determine each party's nominee and the fate of Marco Rubio's political career.
Donald Trump

Trump Expands Florida Lead Against Rubio Ahead Sunshine State's 'Winner Take All' Primary

Donald Trump's presidential campaign could potentially hit new milestones on Tuesday as new polling data has shown the businessman threatening John Kasich and Marco Rubio's White House hopes.
Hillary Clinton

Ohio State Democratic Town Hall: Clinton and Sanders Attack Trump, Say He Urges Violence

Town hall attendees didn't just want to hear Democratic candidates come down on Trump. They wanted a strategic plan for beating the Republican front-runner if he is elected the Party's presidential nominee.
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard

Johnny Depp Calls Trump a 'Brat' After Spoofing GOP Candidate in Funny or Die Biopic [Video]

Speaking in front of students at the Arizona State University on Saturday, March 12, 2016, the "Into the Woods" actor talked about his portrayal of Trump in a Funny or Die biopic about the life of the outspoken real estate billionaire. Depp called Trump a "brat."
Anti-Corruption Protestors Rally Against Former President Lula And Dilma Rousseff

Brazil Protesters Want Dilma Rousseff's Impeachment Amid Corruption Investigation

Hundreds of thousands of protesters flooded the streets of Brazil on Sunday to call for President Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment. However, Lula da Silva’s successor remains firm and continues to deny that she did something wrong to deserve impeachment.
Donald Trump

Donald Trump Refuses Responsibility for Violence at Campaign Events

Donald Trump is disavowing any responsibility for the growing level of violence at his campaign events across the country, saying he is simply the messenger for the rising frustration among many Americans.
Donald Trump

Donald Trump remains unpopular among Latino voters

Despite his repeated boasts suggesting that he is expecting to net significant Latino support, a new Gallup Poll finds that Republican front-runner Donald Trump is looked upon unfavorably by more than three in every four Latino voters.
GOP Candidate Presidential Donald Trump Holds Rally In Cleveland

2016 Presidential Polls Shows Donald Trump Leading Marco Rubio in Florida, Neck-and-Neck in Ohio with John Kasich in Ohio for Republican Primary Election

A new CNN Poll of Polls survey finds Republican front-runner Donald Trump on the verge of upsetting both Florida Senator Marco Rubio and Ohio Governor John Kasich in their home states.
President Obama

Barack Obama Wants Diapers to be More Affordable for Poorer Families

The Obama administration revealed a new measure that it intends to implement in order to allow low-income families gain access to more affordable diapers. The initiative could cut back diaper cost by as much as 25 percent.
Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders Campaigns In Western Massachusetts

Bernie Sanders Happy That 17-Year-Olds can now Vote in Ohio Primary

Sanders camp couldn't be any happier after a ruling from a local judge in Ohio has now given 17-year-old voters the right to have their votes counted in the upcoming primaries. This was, definitely, a welcome development for the presidential nomination bid of the Vermont senator, who has been known to be popular amongst the younger demographics.
Donald Trump Holds Super Tuesday Election Night Press Conf. In Palm Beach

Donald Trump's Chicago Rally Turns Violent; Gets Cancelled at Last Minute

Donald Trump had no other recourse but to cancel one of his campaign rallies that was supposed to take place at the University of Illinois in Chicago on Friday. After coordinating with the local police authorities, the area was deemed unsafe for the event to push through due to a clash between protesters and supporters.
Hillary Clinton Campaigns Across South Carolina One Day Before Primary

Hillary Clinton Apologizes After Praising Nancy Reagan for 'Low Key' AIDS Advocacy

It only took a few hours for the Democratic presidential nomination frontrunner to become cognizant of her social blunder and, eventually, own up to it. Hillary Clinton, somehow, bungled history when she lauded former President Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy for their low-key advocacy on HIV and AIDS back in the 1980s during the televised funeral of the latter.
Donald Trump Holds Campaign Rally In Bloomington, Illinois

Small Businesses Favor Donald Trump Over Remaining Democratic and Republican Candidates for Election: Pepperdine University Survey

A Pepperdine University survey found 34 percent of respondents believe businessman Donald Trump is the the candidate best suited to aid small businesses, well more than the 18 percent who chose former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Immigration Reform protest supreme Court

Many Latino Influencers Believe English-Language Media Fails to Consider Latinos' Perspective in Reports

Among Latino influencers, the most important issue politicians should address is immigration reform.
Nancy Reagan

Latinos React to Death of Nancy Reagan

Perhaps recalling how her husband Ronald Reagan signed sweeping immigration into law that led to amnesty for nearly 3 million immigrants, Latinos everywhere are still mourning the recent death of former first lady Nancy Reagan.
English-Spanish Signs Front Election Center In Texas

Texas Voter ID Law Heading Back to Court, May Affect 2016 Presidential Election

Latinos and African Americans in Texas may be hindered by the state's voter ID laws on Election Day, dependent on what the U.S. Fifth District Court decides when the hear the case this May.
Bernie Sanders

Miamians Criticize Bernie Sanders Over Fidel Castro Comments

A trio of distinguished now Miami-based former office holders are calling on Vermont Senator and Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders to walk back his repeated praise for Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.
Eddy Cue, Apple SVP of Internet software and services

Apple Warns FBI Encryption Battle Could Affect Latinos

Apple told Univision this week that the FBI's demand for weaker security on iPhones could give the government more power to track immigration.
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