Latino Spanish-Speakers are on the Decline

The share of Hispanics that speak Spanish fell to 78% in the 2000s, and the numbers continue to descend. While at the same time non-Latinos have seen the benefits of the Spanish-language, and continue to seize opportunities to learn it; and, non-Latinos will potentially govern the language if Latinos lose interest in it.

The Midwest Seeks Immigrant Startups to Kickstart the Economy

St. Louis, Missouri is yet another example of a city that struggles with the “recruitment and retention of human capital.” St. Louis has a small immigrant population compared to other metro areas of similar size, and that absence explains a lack of economic expansion and growth.

Detroit Can Fix its Economy with the Help of Immigrants

Leaders, local and regional, have examined countless strategies in an attempt to devise a plan to restart the economic and population growth. The “Global Detroit” initiative emerged as a resolution.

Immigrants' Startups Lead to National and Local Economic Growth

“Latinos are taking all of our jobs” is a statement that’s been disproven time-and-time again, but indisputable evidence that the contrary is true comes in the form of proof that immigrants are keen entrepreneurs, actually offering more jobs to the American job market, helping to enhance the local and national economy.

South America and Valentine's Day Traditions

San Valentín, in Latin America, is a day reserved for passion, sensual love, expectations, and the material exchange of tokens of affection, all to show devotion and commitment. Valentine’s Day in many Latin American countries also promotes “acts of appreciation” for friends, applauding non-romantic love.

Hispanics Not Conservative Enough to be Down with GOP?

Ronald Reagan once famously proclaimed that Latinos "are Republicans, they just don't know it yet." Well, Ann Coulter - disagrees with that statement, having once stated that it's a waste of time for the GOP to woo Latino voters because they are "lazy, not religious, dependent on government, socially progressive, and poor."

Killing Us Softly: Police Violence & the Latino Community

The term, "police brutality" was coined by the New York Times in 1893; yet, minorities victims have felt the blunt force of billy clubs, fists and guns much earlier than that.

Latinos Stance on Abortion in the U.S.

Lake Research Partners conducted a survey which revealed Latinos' true attitudes toward abortion, debunking widespread misconceptions regarding their stance on the subject.

Latinos Feel More Discriminated Against Than Others, Says Poll

Stop-and-frisk is the long endured practice whereby police officers in New York City have stopped and questioned hundreds of thousands of pedestrians, particularly African-Americans and Latinos;The program functions as sanctioned racial profiling and permitted discrimination.

BRANDED: Latinos Influencing Brands or are Brands Manipulating Latinos?

The Latino population is abundant. The group now outnumbers the longstanding Caucasian majority, and Latinos can take credit for 19% of 16- to 24 year olds in the United States. To reach this demographic, marketers have even gone as far as to feign authenticity, by branding products “Latino.”

Hispanic Teens Use Drugs More than Other Teens

Dimly lit basements with buddies crowded around television screens and bosky public parks where friends are congregated around peeling picnic tables are the imagined settings for teenagers who engage in drug use and abuse. Though, the reality is that teens participate in drug use any and everywhere -and Latino teens are leading the trend

Survey Says that Sex is Best for Latinos 45+

Bedrooms aren't only for sleeping, they are the backdrop for intimate encounters and sexual exploration. AARP conducted a survey that supports the belief that older Hispanics "put a higher priority on having great sex and passion in their relationships than do other Americans."

37% of the Hispanic Population is at the Core of Latino's Spending Power

53 million Hispanics live in the United States. The weight of the swelling population has worked to sway and influence industries, communications, technology, marketing and brands. The core of the group's financial strength, however, lies with a few, "upscale Latinos," who account for just 37 percent of the Latino's mounting spending power.

Latinos' Food Choices are Important to Manufacturers

Stove top-cooked rice and bowls of richly flavored soup are frequent choices for Hispanics when consuming afternoon meals, a habit that has been influencing overall consumption trends in the United States.

Hispanics' Social Media Know-how Has Captivated Marketers

Latinos are at the helm of social media; a fact that was confirmed by a 2013 Pew Report that indicated that 80 percent of Hispanic adults in the U.S. use social media, which is more than whites (70 percent) and African Americans (75 percent).

Latinas are Leading Women-Owned Businesses at 6X the National Average

Latina-owned businesses happen to be the fastest-growing segment among women-owned enterprises. These businesses contribute about $56 billion to the American economy each year.

Joe Biden: Grandparents 'Didn't All Come Here Legally'

Vice President Joe Biden recently exposed the breadth of the immigration issue; dispelling the notions undocumented immigration is simply a Mexican/Hispanic issue; that all American citizens are descendants of legal immigrants; that undocumented populations are here to rashly absorb resources. While discussing immigration, an individual mentioned that their family legally emigrated from Ireland in the 19th century, and Biden countered, explaining that his family did not.

NPR Poll Proves That All Latinos are Not the Same

Each Latino subgroup holds unique characteristics, a fact that is usually veiled by a desire to homogenize and create uniformity based on a common spoken language. A new poll, conducted by the fine folks at NPR, unveiled some of the factors unique to each group, which varies further depending on the number of U.S. native and immigrants to belong to each group.

"NBC Latino" Stops the "Presses"

NBC Latino, whose tagline read "The Voice of American Hispanics," quietly closed its doors last Friday. NBC announced the sudden closure of the Latino-centric site last November.

Latinos' Options for Online Dating

Naya Rivera, who portrays Santana Lopez on the hit series Glee, met fiancé Rapper Big Sean on Twitter. Rivera and Big Sean aren't the only ones finding connection and affection on the worldwide web, however.

Study: Effective Parenting Lessens Substance Abuse and Risky Sexual Behavior Among Latino Youth

Effective parenting in the lives of maturing Hispanic youth is essential when intending to prevent problem behaviors such as the use and abuse of substances and risky sexual behaviors. Without proper parental guidance, Hispanic youth suffer increased risk of contracting HIV because they will likely engage in drug use and risky sex, a new study from the University of Michigan indicated.

Latino Youth Confident When They Can Communicate in English

A strong command of the English language and the ability to easily converse with non-Latinos leads to improved self-esteem and a boost in the academic performance of young Latinos. The garnered social skills grants access to information and resources that enables self-promotion, which can lead to upward social and economic mobility, says recent study.

Hispanic Paradox: Latinos Live Longer When Facing Cancer

John Ruiz, Ph.D., assistant professor at the University of North Texas, Department of Psychology, headed new research which supports the existence of the pseudo-mythical "Hispanic paradox," a debatable phenomenon where poor Latinos experience health that's comparable or better than other ethnicities. The Journal of "Endocrinology and Metabolism" published a new study about poor minority patients being more likely to be diagnosed with late-stage thyroid cancer and living longer, which supports Ruiz's finding.

Government Offers Relief to Borderland Establishments

Several small non-agricultural establishments in the Paso del Norte borderland are eligible of loans through the U.S. Business Administration, due to droughts extending across the region.

Pregnant Comatose Woman Allowed to Die

The public battle over the life of Marlise Munoz, the brain-dead, pregnant Texas woman, and her fetus came to an end as of Sunday, Jan. 26 with the removal of life support, according to her family.
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