Crazed London Man Beheads Elderly Woman in Her Edmonton Garden With a Machete

A young man viciously decapitated an 82-year-old woman named Palmira Silva in her north London home on Thursday. The man had been tormenting residents in the Edmonton area as he brandished a machete.

Government Chooses Norman Foster and Fernando Romero's 'World's Most Sustainable' Design for Mexico City Airport

The Mexican government has chosen a design by Norman Foster and Fernando Romero as the winner for Mexico City's new airport.

New Dreadnoughtus Species of Dinosaur Discovered in Argentina

Drexel University researcher Dr. Kenneth Lacovara discovered the fossils in 2005 and announced on Thursday what he discovered about the gigantic animal.

Ebola Outbreak Update: Dr. Rick Sacra, Third American Infected with Ebola, Arrives in Nebraska for Treatment

American doctor, Rick Sacra, arrived at an Omaha hospital after contracting Ebola during a medical trip to Liberia.

Ukraine Crisis News: France Halts Delivery of Mistral-class Amphibious Assault Ships to Russia

France will stop the delivery of the two amphibious assault ships until the Ukraine crisis is resolved.

Spain Returns Almost 700 Pre-Columbian Artifacts to Colombia

After eleven years in Spain, more than 600 artifacts return to Colombia, having been smuggled out by drug cartels.

Dalai Lama Denied Visa to Enter South Africa for Nobel Peace Summit

The Buddhist religious leader planned to attend the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Cape Town, South Africa.

Apple’s Chinese Supplier Catcher Technology Flouts Labor and Environmental Standards, Say Watchdog Groups

A report released by China Labor Watch and Green America chastises one of Apple's suppliers for breaking labor and environmental rules.

Fast Food Minimum Wage Strike 2014: Workers Stand Against Corporate Greed in Worldwide Protests

Thousands of workers demand a higher wage of $15 an hour around the country and are picketing fast food locations and using civil disobedience to fight for their cause.

Immigration Reform News 2014: Court Rules Women Suffering from Domestic Abuse can Apply for Asylum in US

The ruling is a big win for immigrant women escaping abusive husbands and wanting to start a new life in the United States.

California: State Passes Bill Banning 'Gay Panic' and 'Trans Panic' Defenses in Criminal Cases

The bill now moves to Gov. Jerry Brown's desk, awaiting his signature for it to become law.

Nicaragua: Miners Trapped in Gold Mine, 22 Rescued

Rescue workers have been trying to retrieve the trapped men since Friday, when helped arrived at the remote area.

Ebola Update: Virus Spreads to Senegal and Experimental Drug Proves Successful

Senegal has quarantined its one infected patient and will continue to see whether the disease has spread to the populace.

Manhattan: Taxi Overturns on Woman in NYC, Killing Her

The unnamed 58-year-old woman died after been crushed under the overturned taxi in the Upper East Side.

Tesla Motors to Begin Construction of 400 Charge Stations in China

Telsa signed the deal with a Chinese telecom company to use their retail stores as charge stations.

California Passes “Yes Mean Yes” Bill Defining Affirmative Sexual Consent for Colleges

The law will apply to all higher education institutions in the state that receive financial aid and defines sexual consent as a mutual "affirmative" agreement of consent between the two parties.

Syria News: Number of Refugees Exceed 3 Million; Lebanon, Turkey & Jordan Among Top Destinations

Most of the refugees fled the violence and the crumbling medical and utility infrastructure and now live in Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan.

Kia Motors to Build New Auto Plant in Mexico

The plant would increase Mexico's automative production, propelling the country past other nations in the same field.

Harry Styles Relationship News & Twitter Update 2014: One Direction Star Shows Support for Michael Sam at St. Louis Concert

Styles donned Sam's number 96 jersey towards the end of Wednesday's St. Louis concert.

United Nations Hostages: 43 UN Peacekeeping Personnel Held By Syrian Group

The United Nations announced the capture of 43 UNDOF troops in the Golan Heights. They confirmed as well that 81 UNDOF troops have been surrounded and demand the immediate release of all troops.

F-15 Fighter Jet Crashes in Virginia; Pilot Dead

The search ends Thursday night after the missing fighter pilot is declared dead by officials.

Joan Rivers Hospitalized in New York City After Surgery Gone Awry

The veteran comedian was taken to a hospital after she stopped breathing during a medical procedure.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Hold Secret Wedding in France

The couple married on Saturday in a small and private ceremony in their French home.

Russian Invasion Update: Ukrainian President Poroshenko Claims Russia has Invaded; Russian Tanks Seen in Southern Ukraine

The battlefront has been expanded by almost 80 miles to the south after rebel forces, with the alleged support of Russian troops and weaponry, captured the seaside town of Novoazovsk.

Marijuana Legalization & Study News 2014: Cannabis Reportedly Lowers Chances of Marital Violence

Conducted by researchers from three universities, the study found that couples in which one or both partners smoked marijuana had lower instances of spousal violence.
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