Coronavirus May Reach the Brain by Inhaling Though Nose, Study Suggests

Coronavirus May Infect Your Brain by Inhaling Through Nose, Study Suggests

The coronavirus can reach a person's brain after inhalation through the nose and getting stuck in nasal mucus, a new study found.

SALUD: How Brain-Based Physical Education May Improve Attention Span and Health

Brain-based physical education and activities can improve attention span, memory and time spent on a task. Also, it can help to develop innate capacity for achievement, wellbeing and health. An innovative brain-body program that practices Dahn Yoga, Iyengar Yoga and various other physical and mental activities has proven that it can strengthen individuals and communities.

Watching a Lot of Porn May Shrink Your Brain, Germany Study Finds

And a shrinking brain is not the only thing porn watchers have to worry about.

10 Best iPad Apps: Evernote, Khan Academy, and Lumosity Highlight the List

Here are ten great apps every iPad owner should download:

The RNS Stimulator: Mobile Implantable Treatment For Epilepsy?

The RNS Stimulator could eventually turn out to be the best mobile treatment possible for epileptics. It consists of an implantable computer that detects and staves off seizures before they happen.
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