May Day Inspires Hundreds in L.A. to March for Immigration Reform, Workers' Rights

Formerly known as International Worker's Day, May Day traditionally represents a celebration of workers' rights. However, during the past decade in the U.S, it has become a day to advocate for several issues, including immigration reform and raising the national minimum wage. "Si se puede!" -- Yes, we can -- rang throughout the air as immigration reform and undocumented immigrants' rights were the main focus of this year's march.

El Barrios, Little Havanas and Latino Enclaves

Mounting minority populations led to the development of Little Italys, Koreatowns, Little Havanas, Little Manilas, Jewish quarters, Chinatowns, Ghettos, Barrios/Bairros and ethnic-isolated pigeon-holed areas. Latino-American ethnic concentrated areas that breed on self-sufficiency and have a defined identity are popular throughout the United States.
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