Quarantine Cooking: Common Ingredient Substitution When Your Supplies Run Out

Quarantine Cooking: Common Ingredient Substitution When Your Supplies Run Out

Practice the art of improvising and still enjoy cooking your favorite recipes with these tips.

The ‘Cake Boss’ of Milwaukee: How a Latina Mom Became a World-Class Fondant Sculptor and Entrepreneur

Five years ago, Natalia Roman of Wisconsin discovered that her artistic talent could transition into world-class baking skills. With the encouragement of her friends and family, she got the push she needed to start her own business and become known as the "Cake Boss of Milwaukee."

Top Christmas Gifts For Men: Last Minute Holiday Shopping Ideas

Time is running out, but you still have a few days to get to the store!

Peruvian Thanksgiving and Tips for a Successful Turkey Day

Peruvian American homes are filled with the distinctive smells when concocting meals. Onion and lime permeates, but collects in the kitchen. The smell of roasting pork also pervades, and is linked to the sound of preparation: sharp knives striking chopping boards, fresh vegetables snapping, crisp meat crackling, and harmonious conversations. For home-style chef, Victoria Daza, Thanksgiving is not only a time for familial closeness, but for reflection, observations, and acknowledgement of indigenous roots.

Basics for the Beginner: Tips on Cooking Latin Cuisine

Beginners and veterans, alike, should have a fundamental understanding of Latin cooking basics. Keen awareness of techniques, flavors and tools makes all the difference; and is what helps to make an exceptional and sensational Latin cooking experience, as opposed to a mediocre, Taco Bell-caliber one. The right ingredients and techniques will liven up and give an ethnic-twist to routine American dishes, and it will introduce the Latin palate to anyone open to a zesty and mouthwatering experience.

Latina Develops 'Empanda Fork,' Solving the Edge-Pinching Problem

Empanadas have been adopted and altered by the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Haiti, Afghanistan, Latin America, India, Jamaica, the United States and Sri Lanka, but it originated in Galicia, Spain and Portugal during the early 1500s. The delicious savory pastry that takes on different forms, and has can be filled with various meats, cheeses, fruits and vegetables, has not evolved very much since its inception; but one Latina inventor has resolved the most tedious step in the empanada baking process, the edge-pinching.
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