Protestors Rally At ICE Detention Center In New York

ICE Officers Slam Immigrants, Shoot Some With Pepper Balls and Throw Others Out of Wheelchair

Detainees who complained of being sick were refused access to doctors. Instead, they were subjected to abuse.
The National Immigrant Justice Center or NIJC recently filed 18 federal lawsuits in states which include Illinois, Texas and Wisconsin, and sought the release of at more than 40 detained immigrants amid the pandemic.

Chicago Group Files 18 Federal Lawsuits Seeking Release of Detained Immigrants

The nonprofit Chicago Group, NIJC, recently filed several lawsuits seeking the release of over 40 detained immigrants. The group’s growing concern was that the pandemic could result in more and more immigrants testing positive for COVID-19 while in detention.

Immigrant Advocates Plea for ICE to Release Detainees

Organizations for immigrants and health authorities warn the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement for the imminent spread of COVID-19 in detention centers.

Controversial Arizona Sheriff Apologizes for Ignoring 2011 Order to Stop Immigration Patrols

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio -- who has been at the center of controversy for his crackdown on immigrants in Maricopa County for several years -- issued an apology in court this week for ignoring a previous order to cease his immigration patrols during an investigation of the program.

Undocumented Immigrants Given Bail Rights in Arizona, Court Rules Prop 100 Unconstitutional

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit has struck down an Arizona state constitutional amendment that banned judges from considering bail for undocumented immigrants suspected of a crime.
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