Listeria Threat: FDA Recalls Pre-cut Apples, Watermelons, Other Fruits

Listeria Threat: FDA Announces Recall of Pre-Cut Watermelon, Apples, Other Fruits

Pre-cut watermelon, apples, and other fruits have been recalled in several states across the U.S. over concerns that these are contaminated with listeria, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said.
Top-Selling Produce in the Hispanic Market

Top-Selling Produce at Hispanic Markets

If you're a farmer or planning to tap into the Hispanic market, it is important to determine which fruits and vegetables are top-selling among them.

SALUD: Many US Adults Fail to Consume Recommended Amount of Fruits, Vegetables

Aromatic and flavorful fruits and vegetables are attractive, delicious and healthy, but Hispanics/Latinos and many other U.S. adults consistently fail to meet the national recommendation for consumption of fruits and vegetables, eat less than two of each a day.
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