George Santos Faces New Charges, Accused of Defrauding His Own Donors, Used Their IDs and Credit Cards

George Santos Faces New Charges, Accused of Defrauding His Own Donors, Used Their IDs, Credit Cards

Politicians usually bend over backward for their donors, but George Santos did things differently as the Republican allegedly stole his donors' IDs and used their credit cards.
George Santos To Be Expelled From House? Democrats Force Vote

House Democrats Move to Force a Vote to Expel Republican George Santos From Congress

Embattled Republican Representative George Santos of New York may be expelled from Congress soon as House Democrats took steps to force a vote on kicking him out of office.
US Rep. George Santos Slams ‘Witch Hunt’ Amid Fraud Charges

New York: US Rep. George Santos Slams ‘Witch Hunt’ Amid Fraud, Money Laundering Charges

Embattled Republican Rep. George Santos of New York is in big trouble after Federal authorities unsealed the charges against him during a hearing in New York.
Rep. George Santos Faces Federal Charges From Department of Justice

Rep. George Santos Faces Federal Charges From Department of Justice

Embattled New York Republican Representative George Santos' lies have finally caught up to him as he has now been charged by the Department of Justice.
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