Hillary Clinton on Gun Control: Executive Action Is An Option

The Democratic presidential candidates have been announcing their proposals to combat gun-related violence.

Martin O'Malley, Bernie Sanders Call to Close Immigration Centers

The U.S. federal government defended its immigrant detention practices, despite objections from congressional lawmakers and presidential candidates, as the Department of Homeland Security filed an appeal against the potential release of detained immigrant children.

GOP Debate: Donald Trump, Immigration, Iran Deal Take Center Stage

The second prime-time Republican presidential primary debate was dominated by GOP front-runner Donald Trump, Carly Fiorina, immigration and the Iran nuclear agreement.

RNC, DNC Trade Jabs on GOP Presidential Candidates' Tone

Politicians and advocacy groups have criticized the Republican presidential candidates for anti-Latino and anti-immigrant remarks, but Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman Reince Priebus debunked such claims.

Bernie Sanders: Immigration Not Responsible for Declining Middle Class

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders defended undocumented immigrants against the ongoing anti-immigrant rhetoric during a Latino roundtable in the battleground state of Iowa.

Democratic Party Presidential Candidates Call for More Primary Debates

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) scheduled six primary debates, which resulted in uproar from some Democratic presidential candidates. Hillary Clinton, however, finally indicated she may favor more debates.

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Polls: Trump Beats Hillary in Latest Poll

A new poll released by SurveyUSA on Friday indicates that celebrity real estate magnate turned GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump is leading Hillary Clinton.

Rep. Joaquin Castro: Bernie Sanders 'Hardly' Engages With Latinos

Last weekend, Iowa was host to an immigration forum, which invited most presidential candidates. Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton could not attend the Iowa forum, but Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, was able to stump for her campaign for several events.

Democrats Bernie Sanders, Martin O'Malley Criticize DNC, Call for More Presidential Debates

Democratic presidential candidates are increasing the pressure on the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to increase the number of primary debates.

Hillary Clinton: GOP 'Out of Touch, Out of Date' With Birthright Citizenship Debate

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton recognized comprehensive immigration reform will provide a boost to rural communities.

Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, 14 GOP Presidential Candidates Absent from Iowa Immigration Forum

The Democratic and Republican presidential frontrunners will be absent from an Iowa immigration forum this weekend. In fact, all Republican presidential hopefuls were invited but made no confirmations. The only Democrats attending: former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley and former Sen. Lincoln Chafee, D-R.I.

Latino Voters in Gallup Poll: Donald Trump, Jeb Bush Most Polarizing GOP Candidates

Although there's still plenty of time before the first primary vote, Latinos appear to have formed opinions for at least two Republican presidential candidates, namely Donald Trump and Jeb Bush.

Hillary Clinton's DREAMer Latino Outreach Director Hits GOP for 'Hateful' Immigration Rhetoric

An undocumented immigrant working on Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign called out the Republican presidential field for the “hateful rhetoric” used toward the immigrant community.

Florida's Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush Defeat Hillary Clinton in Sunshine State Poll

2016 Presidential Polls: Donald Trumps Defeats Hillary Clinton in Latino-Populated Florida

GOP Presidential Candidates Donald Trump, Jeb Bush Stir 'Anchor Baby' Controversy

Democrats are hitting back at two prominent Republican presidential candidates for using the term "anchor babies," to describe U.S.-born children of undocumented immigrants.

Hillary Clinton Still Supports Deportation of Undocumented Immigrant Children

Democratic presidential candidate, and front-runner, Hillary Clinton reiterated her stance that undocumented immigrants should be deported if they cross the border illegally.
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