Judge Reaffirms to ICE: Release Families From Immigration Detention Centers

The U.S. government is expected to appeal a federal court ruling ordering the immediate release of undocumented mothers and immigrant children from family detention centers.

GOP vs Donald Trump: Trump's Own Iowa Co-Chair Thinks His Immigration Ideas Are a 'Big Mistake'

Richard Thornton, one of Trump's Iowa co-chairs, feels that Trump’s immigration ideas make it harder for Iowa Republicans to get on board with his larger agenda

DACA, DAPA Lawsuit Judge Decides Against Contempt Charges on Obama Administration

President Barack Obama's November 2014 immigration executive actions, which expanded his deferred action programs, are still questioned by courts, and his administration narrowly missed contempt charges for helping undocumented immigrants.

Conservatives Join Liberals Against GOP Presidential Candidates' Anti-Birthright Citizenship Movement

Democrats and liberals have verbally attacked several of the Republican presidential candidates for the growing anti-immigrant rhetoric on the campaign trial, but conservative groups also have had a say on the issue.

Hillary Clinton's DREAMer Latino Outreach Director Hits GOP for 'Hateful' Immigration Rhetoric

An undocumented immigrant working on Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign called out the Republican presidential field for the “hateful rhetoric” used toward the immigrant community.

Environment, Global Warming Increasingly Important to Hispanics: Report

The environment has increasingly become an important issue for Latino voters. In fact, it's apparently more important than passing comprehensive immigration reform, according to a new poll.

GOP Presidential Candidates Donald Trump, Jeb Bush Stir 'Anchor Baby' Controversy

Democrats are hitting back at two prominent Republican presidential candidates for using the term "anchor babies," to describe U.S.-born children of undocumented immigrants.

Hillary Clinton Still Supports Deportation of Undocumented Immigrant Children

Democratic presidential candidate, and front-runner, Hillary Clinton reiterated her stance that undocumented immigrants should be deported if they cross the border illegally.

Republicans Presidential Candidates Rally for Birthright Citizenship's End, But Latinos Fight Back

Republican presidential candidates have questioned the 14th Amendment, which allows U.S.-born children the automatic right to citizenship, but prominent Latinos and Latino-based organizations are criticizing calls to change the law.

DACA Recipients Benefit From Obtaining A Driver's License

President Barack Obama's deferred action executive actions have provided undocumented immigrants with the paperwork to apply for a driver's license, in eligible states, but challenges still remain as detailed in a new Pew Charitable Trusts report.

Donald Trump on Immigration: Progressive, Conservative Groups Say Mass Deportation Plans Cost Billions

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has called for the "mandatory return," or deportation, of all undocumented immigrants from the U.S, and it’s a stance that was reiterated during an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” The price tag to deport millions of undocumented immigrants, however, could be an obstacle for pro-Trump supporters.

TURNOUT: How Jeb Bush's Family History and Latino Voter Outreach Could Boost His Presidential Bid

The Republican Party has garnered heat from Latinos for rhetoric and stance on certain issues, such as immigration, but the Jeb Bush campaign is hoping to change that as its Latino engagement is underway with early-voting states.

Donald Trump's Immigration Plan and Call for Mass Deportation Panned by Political Latinos

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's latest immigration comments were met with furor from Latinos and Latino-based organization.

Trump's Immigration Proposals: Deport Millions, Build a Wall, Change the Constitution?

Donald Trump, the current leader of the GOP presidential race, released an immigration position paper weeks ahead of schedule, detailing the billionaire candidate's stance on undocumented immigrants, birthright citizenship, and the economy. Needless to say, Trump's views -- even on paper -- are polarizing.

ICE Stages Nationwide Raids, Arrests 50 Human Rights Violators in 'Operation No Safe Haven' Sequel

U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) officials staged raids across the country, ending the week-long operation with 50 fugitive "known or suspected human rights violators" in custody.

Donald Trump to Release Immigration Plans in September, Still Wants to Build the Wall

Donald Trump still leads the Republican field of presidential hopefuls going into late summer, and he has decided to wait until September to release details of his presidential platform, starting with immigration.
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