Mitt Romney Supports Paul Ryan for 2016 Presidential Run: Wisconsin Rep. Doesn't Feel the Need to 'Chum'

In a recent interview, Republican congressman Paul Ryan made it clear that if he decides to cast his lot into the 2016 presidential race, it will be entirely on his terms.

Hillary Clinton Defeats Potential GOP Candidates in Iowa Poll, But Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan Challenge Her Lead

The road to the 2016 presidential election begins with the Iowa caucuses, and Hillary Clinton has been securing a lead against potential Republican candidates in new polling data.

Paul Ryan Confronted by DREAMers Again on Immigration Reform, Deportation and Vote to Defund DACA

A national immigrant youth-led organization confronted Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., once again for his opposition against the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

Rep. Paul Ryan Avoids DACA Questions From DREAMers During Book Signing

Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., was confronted over his stance on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program during a book signing session in Florida.

Paul Ryan on the Issues: Congressman Talks Ferguson, Immigration, ISIS and Hillary Clinton's Presidential Bid

Rep. Paul Ryan, R-WI, has been making the media rounds and spoke about ongoing issues including immigration, Islamic State, 2016 elections and the events in Ferguson, Missouri.

Paul Ryan's Anti-Obamacare Budget Passes House

Ryan's budget plan would cut taxes and repeal Obamacare.

No Immigration Reform Bill This Summer As House Recess Begins

As expected, immigration reform is moving more slowly through Congress than initially intended.
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