Paraguay: Communist Rebel Leader Osvaldo Villalba Killed After Clash With Military

Paraguay: Communist Rebel Leader Osvaldo Villalba Killed After Clash With Military

Authorities in Paraguay have dealt a huge blow against the country's Marxist rebels after a military operation resulted in the death of the leader of the communist Paraguayan People's Army (EPP), Osvaldo Villalba, dead.
Nicaragua: Ex-Rebel Leader and Former Presidential Hopeful Hugo Torres Dies After Imprisonment

Nicaragua: Ex-Rebel Leader and Former Presidential Hopeful Hugo Torres Dies After Imprisonment

Nicaragua's former rebel and ex-presidential hopeful, Hugo Torres, died following his arrest last year.

Guillermo Gomez-Pena: Chicano 'Cyberpunk' Rebel with a Creative & Ambitious Cause

Ethno-politics, immigration, technology and language happen against the canvas, in an opus, or in any medium, when you are an artist. And, if you are Guillermo Gomez-Pena, you could address societal concerns regarding Latinos through performance art, audio, video, installations, poetry, journalism and cultural theory. A writer, a MacAuthor fellow, and an editor, Gomez-Pena brings style, energy and heritage to everything that he completes.
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