Republicans Call for U.S. President Joe Biden to Take a Cognitive Test| How Did Donald Trump Score in the Mental Acuity Test?

Republicans Call for U.S. President Joe Biden to Take a Cognitive Test| How Did Donald Trump Score in the Mental Acuity Test?

More than three dozen Republicans signed a letter calling U.S. President Joe Biden to take a mental cognitive test to measure if he is fit for the office. The cognitive test was taken by former President Donald Trump during his presidency.
Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle 'Cold-Calls' Republican Senators as She Push for Paid Parental Leave

Meghan Markle reportedly calls on Republican senators to push for paid parental and family leave.
'Happy Birthday to AOC': Sen. Ted Cruz Among Well-Wishers Despite Frequent Squabbles, Many Disagreements

'Happy Birthday to AOC': Sen. Ted Cruz Among Well-Wishers Despite Frequent Squabbles, Many Disagreements

Senator Ted Cruz has wished his fellow lawmaker in Congress, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, also known by her initials AOC, a "Happy Birthday."
Republican Lawmakers Led by Rep. Bob Gibbs File Impeachment Articles Against Pres. Joe Biden

Republican Lawmakers Led by Rep. Bob Gibbs File Impeachment Articles Against Pres. Joe Biden

Republican lawmakers, headed by Ohio Rep. Bob Gibbs, have introduced three impeachment articles against President Joe Biden on Tuesday.
Donald Trump hints 2024 re-election

Donald Trump Rallies Targeting Ohio Republican | Future Plans and Problems

Donald Trump, Former US President, hints at the 2024 re-election campaign and eyes Ohio Republican who voted for his impeachment, creating concerns and rumors afoot.
Republican Senators Who Voted to Convict Trump in Impeachment Trial Face Backlash at Home

Republican Senators Who Voted to Convict Trump in Impeachment Trial Face Censure at Home

The Republican senators who voted with the Democrats to convict former President Donald Trump on the charge of inciting insurrection for his role in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot are now facing backlash back at their respective home states for their votes.
3 Suspect Arrested as Ex-Republican Candidate Abducted, Tortured on Christmas Eve

3 Suspects Arrested After Ex-Republican Candidate Abducted, Tortured on Christmas Eve

Former Texas state senate candidate Vanessa Tijerina was reportedly bound, gagged, and tortured after she was ambushed at a hotel on Christmas Eve.
Republican David Valadao Wins Congressional Race in California

Republican David Valadao Wins Congressional Race in California

Republican David Valadao has snatched the House seat from Democratic Rep. TJ Cox in California's 21st Congressional District, reclaiming the seat he lost two years ago.
Top House Republicans Demand Urgent Investigation on Election 'Irregularities'

Top House Republicans Demand Urgent Investigation on Election 'Irregularities'

Top Republicans from the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees demanded a congressional investigation on the 2020 presidential election.
Florida politician criticized for racist remarks against young Puerto Rican tennis players

Florida Politician Criticized for Racist Remarks Against Puerto Rican Tennis Player

Sarasota Republican Martin Hyde is being criticized by people online and fellow politicians for his racist comments against a Puerto Rican young tennis player.

GOP Congressman Pledges Support for Marriage Equality

Another GOP lawmaker backs marriage equality, despite the party's obstinate stance against it.

Hillary Clinton Talks Presidential Candidacy At ASU

The Clinton clan participated in a forum at Arizona State University on Saturday night as part of the Clinton Global Initiative University, which partners with various U.S. universities.

Immigration Reform: California Republican Rep. Denham Joins Democrats in Support of Overhaul Bill

House Republicans have stood firm on their conservative stance involving immigration reform, but California Republican Rep. Jeff Denham has made it clear that stalling isn't the solution. In an effort to get the wheels in motion, he's reaching across the aisle to Democrats by backing the immigration overhaul bill.

Obamacare Bill: Republicans Threaten Government Shutdown to Defund Healthcare Bill

Barack Obama called Republicans out, on Thursday, for compromising a government shutdown, and possibly causing a debt default, in their newest attempt to oust Obamacare.
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