U.S. airports

US Airports to Receive $10 Billion Additional Aid

Many industries have faced foreclosures and shortfall in revenues due to the coronavirus pandemic.
US Flag

Many Americans Find it Inappropriate for Either Democrats or Republicans to Dispute US Election Result

Most Americans say that disputing the outcome of the November 2020 US Election would be inappropriate for either the Republicans or Democrats, a report said.

Ted Cruz Gets Haircut From Jailed Dallas Salon Owner

Republican Senator Ted Cruz visited a Dallas salon on Friday to get his hair cut. The salon is owned by Shelley Luther who defied coronavirus lockdowns orders and was sent to jail the previous week.

Amid Coronavirus, Democrats Eye a Chance for Political Gain

Democrat senators who had been eyeing the chance for a historic government expansion despite the current coronavirus pandemic receive criticism from their conservative counterparts.
Republicans Should be

Republicans Should be "Scared" After Democrats Take Over Delaware Election

Republicans showing signs of slowing down while Democrats are showing strength after the recent Delaware election.

Senate’s Current Trumpcare Bill Dead on Arrival

4 Senators vow to vote against the proposed bill as it stands.

President Barack Obama Might Bring Guantanamo Bay Prisoners to the U.S.

President Barack Obama wants to transfer the remaining 91 prisoners from the Guantanamo Bay jail to the United States in a bid to end the highly-controversial existence of the detention facility.

Poll Finds Anger Rising in US, Race Guides Immigration Opinions

Nearly half of all Americans admit they’re now angry more often than they used to be over current events and the news.

2016 Republican Presidential Candidates Invited to Largest NY Latino City, Only Donald Trump Responds

Select Republican presidential candidates have been invited to visit New York's largest Latino city, but only one name returned the call: Donald Trump.

President Barack Obama Defends Delay in Immigration Executive Order

President Barack Obama has delayed announcing any potential executive action on immigration until after November's midterm elections. According to Obama, the reason for the delay was not to benefit Senate Democrats hoping to hold onto their narrow majority in the chamber.

President Barack Obama Defends Delay in Immigration Executive Order

President Barack Obama has delayed announcing any potential executive action on immigration until after November's midterm elections. According to Obama, the reason for the delay was not to benefit Senate Democrats hoping to hold onto their narrow majority in the chamber.

President Obama Considering Unilateral Action on Immigration Reform

President Obama said Wednesday that he is considering taking unilateral action to handle the immigration crisis at the border, as well as to ensure corporate fiscal responsibility.

GOP Establishment Wins Big in Tuesday's Primaries

Established GOP candidates saw big wins against tea party newcomers in Tuesday's primary elections.

New Poll: Republicans Poised to Take Over Senate in November

A new poll conducted by NBC and the New York Times projects that Republicans will most likely take over the Senate in November's midterm elections.

Senate Fails to Pass Bill Addressing Immigration Crisis; House Republicans Propose Two More Immigration Bills

House Republicans delayed their congressional recess to propose amended bills that address the immigration border crisis.

Border Immigration Bill Unlikely to Pass Before Congressional Recess

Democrats' immigration reform bill thats aims to curb the high number of unaccompanied child migrants from crossing into the U.S. is unlikely to pass before summer recess, while Republicans are seeking to pass their own immigration bill.
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