Latinas Reach the Highest Unemployment Rate amid the Coronavirus Pandemic

Latinas Still Have the Highest Unemployment Rate Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

Latinas in the United States experienced most job losses this year compared to other Americans who have been affected by the coronavirus.

45% of COVID-19 Patients in Virginia are Latinos

Latinos in Virginia are severely hit by COVID-19 and part of the reason is their lack of insurance and their roles as frontliners.
Groups experiencing the highest unemployment rates are the immigrant women and Latino workers.

Female Immigrants and Latinos, among the Hardest Hit Amid the Pandemic’s Massive Job Displacement in America

Groups who experience the highest joblessness rates are the immigrant women and Latino workers who, regardless of their birthplace, have below high school degree for education attainment or aged below 25.

Unemployment Rate of California in April Higher Great Recession

The unemployment rate of California almost tripled to 15.5 percent in April as the country's most populated state lost employments in one month from COVID-19.

US Unemployment Benefits Claims Increase More than Expected, Highest in Six Weeks

Unemployment benefits claims increased more than initially projected, according to data from the Department of Labor.
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