'Veronica Mars'' Kickstarter Contributors Unhappy with Warner Bros.

While "Veronica Mars" opened this weekend to mediocre success, raking in a little more than $2 million at the box office for so far, Warner Bros. has been getting some heat from a few of the film's bankrollers.

'Veronica Mars' Movie Director Talks Possible Sequel, Netflix Spinoff

On Saturday, the Veronica Mars movie premiered at SXSW. The film, which is a continuation of the The WB's 64 episode 2004-2007 television series, was funded by excited fans, but perhaps none are more excited than director Rob Thomas.f

Kristen Bell Talks Naked Scenes in Crowdfunded 'Veronica Mars' Movie [VIDEO]

The highly demanded Veronica Mars movie will premiere on March 14. Fans do not have to wait until then to get a little bit of their Veronica Mars fix, however. On Friday, the opening scene of the movie was released on YouTube.
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