Zoe Saldana Movies: 5 of Her Most Iconic Roles

Zoe Saldana Movies: 5 of Her Most Iconic Roles

Zoe Saldana is one of the most iconic names to ever come out of the Dominican Republic. She has appeared in some very big movie franchises and starred in several iconic roles.
Top 5 Zoe Saldana Movies Outside of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Top 5 Zoe Saldana Movies Outside of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Zoe Saldana has many movies besides those she made in the Marvel Cinematic Universe movie franchise. To give you an idea, here is a list of her other films that will also give you a thrill.

EXCLUSIVE: Guardians of the Galaxy Makeup FX Artist David White on Zoe Saldana & Filmmaking Process

How did "Guardians of the Galaxy" stars Zoe Saldana and Dave Batista look so amazing onscreen? The film's makeup FX artist David White recently spoke with Latin Post about the process of working on "Guardians of the Galaxy" as well as his experience working with Saldana and WWE's Dave Bautista.
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