According to a recent post from designer Geoff Goodman on the Overwatch forums, the Blizzard team is currently re-balancing Roadhog's Hook yet again even after the most recent changes.

In today's notes, as per VG24/7, Blizzard posted the following updates that are coming to Roadhog soon, specifically on his Hook Ability:

Roadhog Hook

Added some more line of sight checks towards the left and right of a potential hook target. This means it should be a lot easier to hook someone who is showing halfway out of a doorway, or behind a thin pole, etc.

These checks are will also be used for the persistent line of sight check, so if a hook target moves behind a very slim object like a stump or a light pole, they won't be released anymore.

Hooked targets will now receive a heavy slow along with being stunned, even if they are in the air. This implies that if someone is strafe jumping away from you and you manage to land a hook, there would be a slim chance of them sliding out of the line of sight, breaking the hook.

Fixed a recurring bug that could allow you to hook someone and pull them behind you if you manage to spin around before the hook landed.

Other changes

You can compare these new updated notes with the one posted on January 5 through Overwatch's official website. According to Se7en, Other than Roadhog, duration changes to Sombra and Ana abilities have also been applied.

Ana's Biotic Grenade duration has been reduced from 5 to 4 seconds, while Sombra's Hack cooldown was reduced from 12 to 8 seconds. The new updates coming from Goodman was posted 17 hours ago, so by this moment, the changes may have already been applied in-game.

 Keep your eyes peeled for more updates coming as the Overwatch team tries to even out the field and make every aspect of the game as balanced as possible.