Global game maker Bethesda has already witnessed an ample number of appreciations from its fans' end for its creative stunner title; Skyrim. The original game saw another incredible extension just after a while of its official unveiling named as Skyrim Special Edition. The game is much loved among the players from all around for its exclusive Mods and frequent updates in the graphical levels and developments in terms of skill sets.

According to Verge Campus, Skyrim Special Edition has seen a range of innovative Mods from time to time. This has worked as the steering force for the game to attract more and more players. The Mods are generally the modified additions stretched by various players and developers with a focus to elevate the excitement of the game to unbelievable levels. These include high-quality graphic retextures, weather and environmental effects, new characters and undiscovered locations & places and many other sorts of stuff.

The current two Mods which can be categorized as the most played and loved parts due to massive players' impact over these are Skyblivion and Skywind. The former one adds all the gaming contents from the title The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion to Skyrim also updating graphical levels. Whereas the later one does the similar for The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. 

Apart from all above things, the game has recently been entitled by Bethesda to see a new update soon. As per a report by Wccftech, the new update, dubbed as 1.4, which is mainly programmed for PC edition of Skyrim Special Edition will equip new additions for Mods as well as some important bug fixes. Two notable terms among all these wide ranges of bug fixes provided with this update are obviously the fix provided for occasional crashes while scrolling through Load Order menu and the addition of featured category dedicated for major Mods

All and all the Skyrim Special Edition is a spectacular title for those who love to play action strategy sagas. The game is hinted to see another set of updates soon for its console edition as well.