Beaches and tourist spots in the United States were filled up this weekend as thousands celebrated the Memorial Day 2020, according to a recently published article.

Beaches and Other Tourist Spots Filled for Memorial Day 2020

Thousands of people flocked together in the different beaches and tourist spots across the country this weekend for the Memorial Day 2020. This caused an alarm to the health officials and experts that it may be the cause of the second wave. 

In the Tampa Area, County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri deployed 300 deputies to patrol the different beaches to make sure that people would not get too close. Authorities also have to close the parking lots because of the increasing number of people who were coming on that day.

One of the beachgoers in Alabama's Gulf shores told a news outlet, "there are literally thousands of people out here on the beach, and what I'm really pleased to see is that many of these folks, almost all of them, are doing a great job with social distancing."

However, it is not what is seen in the pictures and videos that went viral online. A video from a pool party at Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri, showed hundreds of people crammed together inside and outside the pool without observing social distancing. Additionally, people in the same state were also seen crammed in bars and restaurants not wearing their face masks. 

Meanwhile, the 700-mile Hatfield-McCoy network of all-terrain vehicle trails was allowed to reopen again last weekend. Campgrounds and Cabins were also reopened. Their opening led many people to flock in the area.

Warnings and Concerns from the Health Officials and Experts 

The state reopening and the scenes that happened over the weekend where thousands of people flocked together in the different beaches and tourist spots in the country raised different concerns from the health officials and experts.

Deborah Birx, the coordinator of the White House coronavirus taskforce, said on Sunday: "We really want to be clear all the time that social distancing is absolutely critical. And if you can't social distance and you're outside, you must wear a mask."

She also added: "There is clear scientific evidence now, by all the droplet experiments that happened and that others have done, to show that a mask does prevent droplets from reaching others."

In an interview with her from another news outlet, Birx said: "There's asymptomatic spread. And that means that people are spreading the virus unknowingly. And this is unusual in the case of respiratory diseases. So you don't know who's infected. And so we really want to be clear all the time that social distancing is absolutely critical. And if you can't social distance and you're outside, you must wear a mask." 

Meanwhile, Dr. Stephen M. Hahn, commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration, also made a statement and said: "With the country starting to open up this holiday weekend, I again remind everyone that the coronavirus is not yet contained. It is up to every individual to protect themselves and their community. Social distancing, hand washing, and wearing masks protect us all." 

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