A car accident can be a very traumatic experience. It can shake you up, literally. Whether you find yourself with some small bruises, minor scratches, or a life-threatening injury, being in a car accident leaves an impact on your body and mind that can linger on for a long time.

Not all injuries are obvious immediately after the accident. Some physical damage can remain hidden for days or even weeks after. In the moments following a car crash, you're in a state of shock. At this time, your mind can trick you into thinking you're fine when you've actually sustained some serious physical harm.

This is why it's always important to visit a chiropractor following a car accident - even if you don't think you're injured. Here are five of the most common injuries people experience following a car accident that a chiropractor can help with.

1. Whiplash

Whiplash occurs when you experience a jolt during a rear-end collision and your neck suddenly jerks forward and then backward. The impact of the accident affects the ligaments and joints in your spine and neck. It can feel mildly uncomfortable, incredibly painful, and everything in between.

If you're suffering from lingering pain and stiffness in your neck and back or you're unable to turn your neck, it's important you seek medical help immediately. The longer you avoid being seen, the more severe your injury could become. 

2. Concussion 

A concussion can happen when you hit your head in a car crash. All concussions, however mild they may seem, need to be dealt with by a professional. This type of traumatic brain injury can severely damage your brain cells and leave you with lasting damage that impacts the quality of your life.

Headaches, dizziness, loss of consciousness, confusion, throbbing pain, and inability to focus are all signs of a concussion. 

3. Joint dislocation 

During a collision, the force and the manner in which you're thrown inside the vehicle can lead to the painful dislocation of joints. The joints most commonly affected are those at the jaw, shoulders, elbow, wrist, spine, hips, foot, and ankle. 

A lot of the time, joint dislocation isn't obvious immediately after the accident. Many people often begin to feel pain or restricted movement days after and therefore don't associate their symptoms with the crash itself.

4. Fractures

Fractures are also incredibly common in people who were involved in a major car crash. Bones in the hands, wrists, legs, and feet are the ones most commonly damaged.

Swelling, excruciating pain, and bruising can all be signs of a fracture. You may also experience an inability to move the part of your body in question if you have a bone fracture. If you suspect you have a bone fracture, do not try to move the limb. Instead, support the bone the best you can and get in touch with a doctor.  

5. Herniated disc 

The force of a major car accident can be so intense that your spinal column gets put under extreme stress, leading to a slipped disc. This is a very painful condition that can make it difficult to move your back, neck, legs, and arms. 

The spine is the core of your body. If the herniated disc is at the center, it's common to experience other symptoms, such as digestive troubles, bladder issues, numbness, weakness, and tingling in your limbs and back. 

It's never a good idea to ignore any symptoms you experience after being involved in a car accident. While you may have other things to worry about, like contacting the insurance company and getting your car fixed, your health should always be your priority.

Emotional injuries 

Car accidents don't just result in physical injuries. They can also greatly impact you emotionally and even result in intense phobias. As well as physical damage and pain, being in a car crash can cause trauma, chronic worry, fear of driving or traveling by car, anxiety, and flashbacks of the accident.