On last week's "Fresh Off the Boat" Episode 11, "Very Superstitious," Jessica sold a house and received a commission check, but there was a problem: the check had the number 4 in it, and the number 4 is bad luck in the Chinese culture.

She insisted they destroy the check, saying if they didn't, bad luck would come. Louis protested initially, but later said he supported her decision to rip it up. Once she left the room, he fished the torn-up check out of the trash and taped it back together so he could buy a mechanical bull for the restaurant.

While at the restaurant to see the new mechanical bull, Eddie tripped over its cord and broke his arm. Louis told his sons they could not tell their mother how Eddie broke his arm, because lying is OK if it is for "the greater good."

The revelation gave Eddie an idea.

To beef up his school president campaign, he told the student body that his broken arm came from a Street Fighter-like battle. Word spread about the alleged fight. Child Protective Services arrived at the Huang home to inquire about Eddie's injury. The truth came out, and both Eddie and Louis learned a valuable lesson about lying.

On Tuesday's Episode 12, "Dribbling Tiger, Bounce Pass Dragon," Louis and Jessica volunteer at their sons' schools because of budget cuts.

While the Huangs have "gotten involved" with their kids' schooling in the past, it was not for volunteering.

The Huangs' first encounter with Eddie's school was in Episode 1, "Pilot." Eddie stood up for himself when a student called him a racist name. It landed him in the principal's office, but his parents arrived on scene to defend him.

Fans may recall that in Episode 2, "Home Sweet Home School," Jessica questioned Evan and Emery's teachers about their report cards having stickers instead of grades. When Eddie's report card had straight A's, she complained to the principal that the curriculum was too easy. She asked if there was a Chinese Learning Center (CLC) in Orlando, Florida. The principal said no, so she started her own CLC to the horror of her sons.

Who can forget Episode 5, "Persistent Romeo," in which popular boys at Eddie's school got a hold of a sexual harassment video his parents were using to train the Cattlemen's Ranch staff. The kids thought it was porn.

The next day at school, they used what they learned from the video to sexually harass girls. The situation was brought to the school principal who called Eddie's parents. Louis and Jessica met with the principal who suggested they talk to Eddie about the birds and the bees.

If school administers thought they had seen the last of Louis and Jessica Huang, they are in for a big surprise on Tuesday's "Dribbling Tiger, Bounce Pass Dragon." Eddie sees a whole new side of his father when Louis, who was a former semi-pro basketball player in Taiwan, coaches his school basketball team. Emery and Evan see another side of Jessica when she grudgingly agrees to produce their school play, and puts her own spin on it.

Watch "Fresh Off the Boat" Tuesday, April 14, at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.