“Legends of Tomorrow” will be premiering on The CW very soon. The network’s newest DC series will be featuring a team of time travelers called the Time Masters.

As seen in the show’s teaser trailer, it looks like Eobard Thawne -- the villain from the “The Flash” -- will be among the Time Masters. He was seen inside what looked like a time machine, and the device seemed to be taking him back home. However, there is also a possibility that Thawne stole the time machine from Rip Hunter, Tech Times noted.

To date, only very little information is known about the Time Masters, but what can be surely ascertained is that they are good guys. Their main goal is to stop Vandal Savage’s evilness across time, in addition to going after the immortal Illuminati.

Apart from Rip Hunter, who seems to be the leader of the group, other members include Doctor Will Magnus, the creator of the Metal Men, Arion, Cave Carson, Dr. Fate, and the Viking Prince, among others, Tech Times added.

The White Canary’s involvement in the new DC show has also raised a lot of questions. Sara Lance, who will be played by Caity Lotz, will be portraying this role, and fans of “Arrow” are curious on how show runners will bring her back.

As Comic Book.com explained, the “Legends of Tomorrow” trailer also gave a hint of an explanation on how Sara was able to enter the storyline, as she was shown inside the Lazarus Pit. Using the Pit was relatively interesting, particularly since she died because of Ra’s al Ghul.

Plus, much of Sara’s death was the gist of “Arrow” season 3. Resurrecting her for “Legends of Tomorrow” might be in conflict with the events in Starling City, especially since it was her death that compelled her sister, Laurel, played by Katie Cassidy, to change and embark on a journey to fulfill her destiny, Comic Book.com added.

Thankfully, executive producer Marc Guggenheim finally spoke up to put “Arrow” fans’ worries to rest. “Sara’s return will not affect Laurel’s arc,” he said via his ASK ME (ALMOST*) ANYTHING (*EXCEPT SPOILERS) Tumblr experiment.

With the “Legends of Tomorrow” starting soon, comic book fans have begun to wonder if DC has any plans of rebooting a comic series that is centered on the Time Masters since it was not among the titles revealed in the New 52.