The teaser trailer for the reboot movie is out and based on comments, most fans are dismayed.

The short clip revealing the new 2014 versions of Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo and Donatello was undeniably much awaited by fans. But it seems that the trailer proves true a previous report by CinemaBlend saying that the reboot mutant superheroes are weirdly-shaped and odd-looking.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' teaser trailer does not give much of a glimpse on the human-turtle mutants except in a few cuts. The most up-close viewers can get is when Michelangelo takes off his orange mask and attempts to calm down April O'Neil, played by Megan Fox. The reporter, of course, fainted and was clearly not impressed with the so-called mask.

Some of the fans' reactions on Screen Rant to the TMNT 2014 sneak peek:

"In the words of Charles Barkley 'This is turrible'" - josh

"ohh my god that looks horrible beyond words. i can't even express how bad this looks." - mattinacan

"I've got To admit, I'm not very keen on what I'm seeing. I can't completely slam it though, first impressions may not do it justice. Michael Bay has never failed to dissappoint me with dissappointing me. So, I hope it is good, but I'm not holding my breath." - motoko

"I agree they have some odd proportions and look gigantic. These Teenagers certainly hit a growth spurt." - Eric Drennan

Readers of Comics Alliance also remarked:

"It looks like a living nightmare." - Chris McDonald

"OMG TRASH!!! Such trash. I prepared myself to be pleasantly surprised and... no. Just... no." - Candace McAfee

And although some are clearly not pleased with Michael Bay's latest production, some fans seem to be willing the reboot movie a chance.

"You know what? I've got enough love in my heart for basically anything involving these particular turtles (I even watched THE NEXT MUTATION, which is actually considered a war crime now) that if I'm completely honest with myself, like, look deep into my heart and really get down to it... I'm into this movie. Gonna kiss Donatello right on those big ol' pouty lips." - Aaron Poppleton

"People don't understand that the Ninja Turtles were always supposed to look horrifying and disgusting. I mean, they are MUTANT. TURTLES. The children's cartoons made them look funny and cute, when in reality; THEY AREN'T. Don't hate on a movie because of it's trailers when it's probably does the most realistic visual representation of the Turtles in a looong time." - Nick

"The turtles do not look that horrible... Get over it. I consider myself the number 1 turtle fan in the world! Things can not be exactly the same as the 90's movies! The new look is a bit different no doubt,but can get used to it." - Michael Cardwell

The 2014 remake casts Pete Ploszek as Leonardo, Alan Ritchson as Raphael, Noel Fisher as Michelangelo and Jeremy Howard as Donatello. The teaser trailer lists the release date as "Coming Soon" though IMDb says that the film hits theaters August 8.

Watch the teaser trailer for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 below. Do the mutant superheroes really look that bad?