
Trevor Noah

‘The Daily Show With Trevor Noah’ Zeroes in on Ben Carson [WATCH]

This week, "The Daily Show" host Trevor Noah zeroed in on the media blunders of candidate Ben Carson. See the videos here.
Donald Trump

Donald Trump 2016 Election News: Hispanic Woman Salutes Leading GOP Candidate as 'Perfect Man'

A Colombian-born woman claims she saw Donald Trump in her dreams days before she had the chance to take the stage with him and voice her support for his 2016 Republican presidential run.
Republican Candidates Take Part In Debates At Reagan Library In Simi Valley

Presidential Polls 2016 - Numbers as of OCT. 7, 2015: Donald Trump vs. Ben Carson and Latest Numbers for Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders

Donald Trump continues to rate as the Republican Party front-runner, though his once sizable lead over political neophyte Ben Carson appears to be slipping fast.
President Obama Speaks In New Orleans Ahead Of 10th Anniversary Of Hurricane Katrina

Immigration Reform News: Obama Slams GOP Presidential Candidates for 'Anti-Immigrant Sentiment'

President Barack Obama blasted the 2016 Republican presidential candidates for using "anti-immigrant sentiment" in their campaigns in effort to gain attention and votes.
Democratic California Governor Jerry Brown

California Governor Jerry Brown Passes Equal Pay Law to Close Wage Gap

California has taken another step to equalize the playing field between men and women workers.
Ben Carson

Ben Carson: Guns Could Have Prevented the Holocaust

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson has come under fire once again for a controversial comment about guns; this time he suggested that the Holocaust would have been "greatly diminished" if Jewish people had been armed.
Latino Activist Heckles Clinton Over Private Prison Contributions

Latino Activist Heckles Clinton Over Private Prison Contributions

A heckler, opposed to the contributions Hillary Clinton's campaign received from private prison corporations, interrupted the Democratic front-runner on Thursday in the midst of a speech she was giving at an awards ceremony.
Name of CIA Source Sent to Clinton's Private Email Server, Republican Claims

Clinton Email Server: CIA Source Name Sent to Private Email Server, Republican Claims

An email then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received on the private server she used to conduct government business contained the name of a source of the Central Intelligence Agency, the Republican chairman of the committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks said on Thursday.
Trump Draws Thousands in Vegas, Vows to 'Never' Quit Race

2016 Presidential Race: Trump Draws Thousands in Vegas, Vows to 'Never' Quit Race

GOP front-runner Donald Trump reversed his earlier comments that he would drop his White House bid if his poll numbers plummeted, proclaiming on Friday that he is "never getting out" of the race.
Paul Ryan

Republicans Urge Paul Ryan to Run for House Speaker

Republicans are pressing Rep. Paul Ryan to step up and run for the House Speaker position to replace John Boehner, following Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy's shocking decision to quit his campaign run for the post.

Rupert Murdoch Wants 'Real Black President' Like Ben Carson

Business mogul and News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch is in hot water after apparently questioning the authenticity of Barack Obama as a black president.
Planned Parenthood

Republicans Create Special House Committee To Investigate Planned Parenthood

In continuing their investigation of Planned Parenthood, House Republicans created a special subcommittee to investigate the women's health group.
immigration reform protest deportation

California Latino Legislative Caucus Invests $15 Million for Immigrant Services

While the U.S. Congress stalls on immigration reform, California continues to invest millions of dollars for the immigrant community.
Immigration reform deport deportation

Debate Preview: Where Democratic Presidential Candidates Stand on Immigration

The Democratic presidential candidates will finally have their first primary debate on Oct. 13, and one pressing topic will be immigration reform, but what’s their stance on the multi-faceted topic?
Tony Cardenas

Congressman Tony Cárdenas Calls for Bipartisan Support for Next House Speaker

U.S. Rep. Tony Cárdenas, D-Calif., has called for bipartisan support for the selection of Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Gun Control Laws: Senate Democrats Introduce Renewed Push for Stronger Regulation

In response to last week's mass shooting at a community college in Oregon, Senate Democrats have launched a renewed effort to pass gun control reform.
Biden Slams Trump's 'Xenophobia'

Joe Biden: Latinos Are Taking a Beating From the GOP

Speaking at a fundraiser hosted by the Latino Victory Project political action committee on Tuesday night, Vice President Joe Biden had some harsh words for Republican presidential candidates, who he claimed were "beating" Hispanics down with their inflammatory rhetoric.
Marco Rubio

Marco Rubio on Immigration: Florida Senator Favors H-1B Visas Increase

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio has been hit left and right on his stance on immigration, but he appears to have a plan to increase immigration for the tech industry.

Texas Mom Sparks Change in Textbook That Compared Slavery to Immigration

A Texas mother caused McGraw-Hill Education to revise a textbook that was "downplaying" slavery by including African slaves in a chapter on immigrants.
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