Puerto Rico National Dish: Arroz Con Gandules

Puerto Rico National Dish: Arroz Con Gandules

Arroz con gandules is considered the national dish of Puerto Rico. This traditional dish reflects the island's Spanish, African, and Taíno influences, creating a flavorful and aromatic rice dish.

Thanksgiving Day 2013: A Puerto Rican Holiday Guide

In Puerto Rico, the holiday season is a big party right from November until after January 6th, as we keep alive the celebration of "Three Kings Day" or "Los Tres Reyes Magos". Puerto Rico enjoys a Caribbean sunny weather all year around; therefore most celebrations take place on "marquesinas" or front outside porches. The lit up and decorated homes are a huge part of the holidays in Puerto Rico. Driving through the islands streets you will start to hear traditional Puerto Rican Christmas carols like "Dame la Mano Paloma" and "Burrito Sabanero". All of this and it isn't even Christmas yet!
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