Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Contributions to the Latino Civil Rights Movement

African-American civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King was a humanitarian, pastor, and activist who utilized nonviolent civil disobedience to work toward the advancement of African-Americans, and racial integration. King and the Black Civil Rights Movement encouraged the Latino Movements, inspiring colleagues Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez's farmworker's protests, and encouraging Nuyorican activist Gilberto Gerena-Valentin. He was more than a rousing symbol, he provided emotional support, resources, and public relations to the Latino Civil Rights Movement.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2014 Events: Museums, Service Activites, And Jazz Performances To Attend on MLK Day

There are a number of events and service projects available for participants and volunteers who are looking to stay busy on the special day of remembrance this Monday

March on Washington 2013: 50th Anniversary Marked with Speeches, March Reenactment

Today, a massive crowd gathered together to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

Shia Labeouf NSA Warning: Actor Told Jay Leno About Spying in 2008 [VIDEO]

On the Tonight Show with Jay Leno in 2008, Labeouf spoke about many of the issues that people are now outraged over regarding the NSA's spying efforts.
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