Social Media Saturday: 99 Days Without Facebook, Snapchat Officially Owns the Teen Demo and Tumblr and Vine Get Along

This week in social media, a campaign was launched to temp people to take 99 consecutive days off of Facebook. Meanwhile, Snapchat was revealed to officially be the most popular social media app for young people, and you can now embed Vines in Tumblr blogs (how very cross-platform!).

Social Media Saturday: Facebook Under Fire for Study, Twitter's 'Buy Now' Button and YouTube's More Popular Than Live TV

This week, the “study hit the fan” for Facebook, as the world of online media picked up on the controversial Facebook emotion research that we reported early last Saturday and a privacy group filed a formal complaint with the FTC. Meanwhile, Twitter could introduce an integrated “Buy Now” button, Vine added “Loop Counts” and YouTube was found to be more popular than television.

Social Media Saturday: Facebook Is Creepy [and Mostly White Men] While Twitter's Better at World Cup News

A roundup of the biggest, most interesting or weirdest social media news from the week.
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