Mexico: Over 4,000 Women Have Been Murdered Since AMLO Took Office as Femicide Rate Increases

Mexico: Over 4,000 Women Murdered Under AMLO's Government as Femicide Rates Rise

The number of femicide cases or women murdered based on their gender in Mexico has reportedly reached 4,000 during the four years of the government of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, also known by his initials AMLO.
Amnesty International Report: At Least 10 Women, Girls Murdered in Mexico Daily

Amnesty International Report: At Least 10 Women, Girls Murdered in Mexico Daily

An Amnesty International report said at least 10 women and young girls are murdered daily in Mexico.
Violence against women

Another Pandemic in Latin America Spikes Amid COVID-19, Domestic Violence

The United Nations found evidence of the swelling number of domestic violence in some countries in Latin America amid the global health pandemic COVID-19.
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