Youth Movie Review: Paolo Sorrentino's Latest Film Is Meditative, Thought-Provoking & Uplifting

"Youth" is a movie where every character is complex and rich. A film in which every image has the viewer in rapture. A film in which we can connect with every moment, not only as we look out toward what our future holds, but also in how even our smallest actions in the present can change our outlook on life.

Wes Anderson's Latest Film The Grand Budapest Hotel Has Hooked Critics Simply From Brief Trailer

The Grand Budapest Hotel, Wes Anderson’s latest film, might be perfect, according to critics. Brightly colored, characters fitted with a lover’s agenda, Tilda Swinton aged forty years with makeup, and an all-star cast that draws together “every actor you've ever liked,” has commentators praising the film simply from its two minute and twenty-six second trailer.
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