Report Sheds Light on Stereotypes, Assimilation and Immigrant Lives

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine published a new report that addresses assimilation and stereotypes surrounding U.S. dwelling immigrants.

Does 'Spanglish' do More Harm than Good?

"Spanglish" has been called English's assault on the Spanish language; an implementation of English in routine speech or writing of Spanish-speakers that leads to the invention of words and phrases that don't exist in English or Spanish. This upsets purists, who see the infiltration of English vocabulary, particularly in the United States, as blatant Americanization of the Spanish language. Spanish and English are used interchangeably, within the same sentence -and the bilingual splicing of words is not unheard of. It has become a part of daily life, Latino American culture, and is promoted through major media outlets. Spanish words sometimes replace their English counterparts, and English words have crept "into everyday speech in Spain and Latin America, spreading to advertising, movies, and the other media of popular culture."

"Salad Bowl America:" Conservative Co-author Claims Latinos & Others Will Never Assimilate in the U.S.

The Sicilian and Irish populations have been able to assimilate; pour directly to the racial and ethnic melting pot that is America without missing much of a beat. However, African Americans, Native Americans and Mexican Americans will never be able to assimilate, according to conservative Jason Richwine, co-author of a controversial immigration study, and numerous others. America’s title as a melting pot was earned from breaking ties with old countries, learning a new culture, and learning a new language.
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