Nancy Pelosi Steps Down From House Leadership Position After Republicans Retake Control; Speaker Says ‘There’s a Life Out There, Right?'

Nancy Pelosi Steps Down From House Leadership Position After Republicans Retake Control; Speaker Says 'There's a Life Out There, Right?'

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has officially announced that she is stepping down from her Democratic leadership, saying that she will not be seeking re-election to Democratic leadership.

Millennials Learn the Value of Leadership From Maria Teresa Kumar, Rosario Dawson and Wilmer Valderrama

Millennials and tween-agers filled the ranks; filed in close, stood-at-attention, ready to absorb knowledge and wisdom. Maria Teresa Kumar, Rosario Dawson, and Wilmer Valderrama arrived ready to lay down knowledge on the doting audience -offering valuable perspective on Latino emergence, prevalence, and the excellence of the group.
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