
Top 5 Helpful Pet Supplies on Amazon

The top five helpful pet supplies that are available on Amazon.

Nat Geo Vet Shares Thoughts on the Value of Pets in Latino Households

In Los Angeles, three veterinarians from Mexico, Guatemala and Puerto Rico were brought together to solve complex cases, educate the public on animal safety, and demonstrate the value of human-animal relationships. "Doctor Vet: Los Angeles," which airs on the Spanish-language channel Nat Geo Mundo, broadcasts the challenges of caring for dogs, cats and more exotic animals, such as lions and snakes, and the emotion, skill, creativity and sensitivity involved when operating on animals.

Increasing Number of Mexican Middle Class Families Opting for Dogs Over Kids

Mexican families have been getting more pet friendly over the past decade. Middle class families in particular have taken to dogs, and they love to show it with everything from clothes and accessories to restaurants and spas.

Super Bowl for Pet Lovers: Will Latinos Be More Likely to Tune into the Puppy Bowl or Kitten Bowl?

Do you love football - and do you love your pet? Well you may have to set your DVR to either the adorable canine or feline Super Bowl showdown this Sunday, in what's affectionately called the Puppy Bowl or the Kitten Bowl. With more attention being dedicated to lovable pets on TV and online these days, there's a greater pet lover population to tap into, including an increasing Latino population in the U.S. Therefore, if you're a Latino pet lover, would you be more likely to tune into the Puppy Bowl or the Kitten Bowl?
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